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Everything posted by Cop_Killer

  1. so this happened after I asked stig a normal question that is not really provoking ,( as screenshots show ) but he still consider it as a provoke , he's acting like a kid and abusing his admin powers for no reason , he needs to be demoted , and unmute sandy please , he did nothing to deserve a ban.
  2. good luck mate <3 its ya boi zeus <3
  3. Good luck Cebulka
  4. Good luck <3
  5. eeeeh , don't laugh at me gays xDDD , its me ZeuS
  6. the guy who has top 1 i think
  7. srry guys , just wanted to tell you , I talked to stig and everything is ok !!
  8. things started after I said " Lasse , you are so slow " as you can see...
  9. well , I heard that ramming is allowed unlike blocking , so I overtook -]alw[-Yassine and I rammed him off the road and he did hit a tree , he starts screaming ( spamming in CAPS) and insulting then he said this " fucking tunesien " , " I know why tunisien called 9hab " 9hab means = bitches. do something to this guy , he act like a child when someone touch him .
  10. since kash joined the server , the fun just disappeared , and since no admin is doing his job correctly against that cancer kid , cause ofc he is suckking your balls ( admins ) and always talks to you in private , I want you to ban me permanently ( I made the right decision , this kid is getting on my nerves everytime , he is acting like he is the best in the server ... )
  11. that's not Moroccan Arabic , that's Algerian Arabic wich is very close to Tunisian Arabic , anyway you're the admin you decide !!!! ( not defending anyone ! )
  12. not defending him or something , but nik zebi al halof isn't an insult meant for Cena , even Cena does understand it I think , since he is from Arabs Emirate , if you translate in English , it would be " fuck my dick " more like fuckk my life " more like " I deserve to die "
  13. In-game nickname: ZeuS Age: 18 Country of origin: Tunisia How long have you been playing on MrGreen: I played for 2 years in Mr green 2012-2013 , then I stopped and I came back in november 2016 Past MIX clans (if you've ever been in one): N/A Tell us why do you want to join our clan: I would like to join the clan cause it has many cool members , Have fun playing with them , and ofc trying make new friends !!!
  14. over now , you're muted , enjoy !!! <3
  15. I mentioned I won't record videos , cause i'm not childish like you , who wants to ruin other's entertainement.
  16. you don't even realise , people want to ban you for your behavior , not just for blocking / ramming , seriously , you're dumb as fuck , and u still can't defend yourself.
  17. Cena man you don't realy understand , people want to ban him not for just blocking , they want to ban him for his behavior , he blocks / rams people in his way , so he can win , otherwise he won't , then starts ttalking shit and provoking , by saying loosers and "you'll cry " , I already posted 3 screenshots and i'll post 2 more now, I don't record him blocking / ramming , cause I use my pc for other things , but here is a screenshot of him blocking me , look at the chat in the second picture , tell me this isn't enough evidence ... ( btw look at first picture , you can see he uses breake as shown in the back light of the truck while I'm trying to move forward...)
  18. 64.29% wants to ban you , no hope for you ..
  19. ofc he's trying to defend himself but he keeps failing...
  20. this guy keeps talking shit ( provoking ) and all yoshi says is /ignore , yoshi is more likely defending him , seriously yoshi isn't doing his Job , the solution is to talk with SDK or Ywa ..
  21. "you don't know him" ,why do you vote wtf , come to race server and see his behavior before you call me sucker
  22. come to Race server and u'll see who is str8kash and u'll discover his behavior in the server and unfortunetely yosh isn't doing his job against him .
  23. ok no need to keep giving my opinion in this topic cause simply retarded , and u're obviously defending him , cya nerds.
  24. the video shows that wooziee just before you hit him , he pressed B or /afk , stop defending yourself , you always do shit then try to make yourself as a guilty person , according to the second video , yes he did blocks , but I think that's the first time He did , I never seen wooziee blocking / ramming , I thinks he do it only for you cause you deserve it .
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