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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ZeldaK

  1. ZeldaK


    That's kinda pointless since there is a thread which you can use to report someone breaking the rules; Use this next time. Edit: You can use /report in-game as well.
  2. Here are another two maps.. race-marmoons.zip race-TopLife.zip
  3. good luck
  4. ZeldaK


    I dont use comment a lot, i think you are true that comments help ppl understand, i will be using comments in my next tuts, thanks SDK!
  5. ZeldaK


    Thanks Kali, NP+ is and will stay my favorite ^^
  6. ZeldaK


    Thanks for support, I'll try to talk in my tuts, so i'll make it very easier for you guys to understand.
  7. ZeldaK


    Hey guys, You can also have a look at my scripting tuts! have fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbQix90J5I8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhhGN2sbo54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JYMM82gnRs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJRdCq1jWvk
  8. Hell no Edit: I wasn't informed that sharing accounts is allowed.
  9. Good luck
  10. 250(maybe less?) is enough!, those who have 300+ ping always piss me off.
  11. Good luck
  12. Why did we do it then, actually ive got no idea!
  13. I hacked it
  14. Good luck
  15. ZeldaK

    Happy New Year guys!

    Happy new year!
  16. You would be the best admin ever, good luck
  17. 7
  18. Those bitches, goodluck Ywa. Atleast Gc system hasnt been damaged.
  19. Good luck
  20. 9
  21. Tbh, that happened to me as well, but i didnt get my lost gcs back. but, you may have a proof which makes Ywa gives you your gcs back, thats only my guess.
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