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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BinSlayer

  1. M20 - Cheating - airbraking It's most likely an error(false positive), as the anti cheat is known to randomly ban people who it thinks airbrake. Unbanned.
  2. omgwtfbbq a map with my name? really nice
  3. lol this sounds funny... only reason why i like it is because it'll keep the noobs out lol.. but so few people have greencoins over 1000 that it will be a waste of bandwidth
  4. Very fast. You work really really fast Keep up the good work
  5. I took a guess because there wasn't anything else he could have wanted with "rollercoasters" as he is an mta mapper.
  6. I think he's asking how to put a rollercoaster in an MTA map.. And if that's right, he means Loops. I know there is a loop generator somewhere.. EDIT: Either http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Roller_Coaster_Generator or this http://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=24838 or even this http://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=18677&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=loop+generator I see you're not too good at explaining what you want so I'm guessing you're gonna need to Google Translate all of those pages into your own language http://translate.google.com/#
  7. I'm bumping this.. It needs to happen or at least something needs to be done about the RANDOM choice.. How it picks the same maps over and over again of all the other hundreds of maps is beyond me.
  8. I like the buy the next map idea. I don't really understand that. You mean then you can 'buy' the ability to do that and when you arrive in a 'crappy' map you get the ability to do 'nextmap' or to start a vote for that? And then you can use that ability forever or just once? Anyway, it is not worth buying and it would kinda ruin the game since every other map will be skipped. Or does it mean that once you get to choose what the next map is? I'm not sure what was so vague about my post but I'll try to explain anyway.. If you have an amount (yet to be decided) of greencoins you can buy a nextmap. Same way we admins can set maps to be next, maybe regular players could do that too in exchange for Green Coins. But, sometimes more players will buy different nextmaps, so I was thinking a votemap consisting of all bought maps would come in handy then
  9. I sometimes download maps to test them myself when I'm bored so that doesn't quite count
  10. yes, but somebody has to script this My idea: each map that gets played on the server gets transfered after it has finished playing to the "non-gamemode" group (check "Maps" in the Admin Panel). The reason why I think it should be transfered there is because that group doesn't allow its maps to be in the map cycle. After 10 (or something like that) OTHER maps have been played, the map goes back to "Race" from "non-gamemode". This process happens for EVERY map. This is the only way I can think of to make the "random" choice not choose the same maps too often. Oh yeah, and this process should only happen if the players' next choice was not "Play Again"
  11. I'd like to see in the server: - FPS Limit: 40 - Increased MaxPlayers to whatever number, just over 32 so that we can always find a slot and not have to wait. For this to work properly, ghostmode gets enabled when the current player count is equal or higher than 32. As soon as the players count drops below 32 ghostmode gets disabled. Note: ghostmode should only get disabled during the map change, because otherwise people will spawn into each other when it goes off. - More admins. We're currently 7 admins (excluding the TopCrew and the rest who rarely play). There are still times when I find myself the only admin present in the server and I sometimes come to think that at those times there wouldn't be any if I left too.. There are A LOT of players that would make great admins in the server, the problem with them is that they belong to clans. As we all know, there is a rule that says you cannot be an admin if you're in a clan. Consider my suggestion the removal of that rule. People like [sKC]CsenaHUN, alw-Taint3d, alw-TicToc are the first 3 that came up in my mind now (there are more of course) that would make great admins. Their loyalty to their clans is bigger than the desire of being admin so they don't quit their clans. But in my opinion they should be given a chance just like everyone else. Being from a clan doesn't mean you'll be unfair and make the game easier for your fellow clan mates. Fair and square people know what to do and how to act. - Maybe give the server admins a command to place a map in an "unavailable" state. I would like to point out that this "unavailable" state doesn't mean deletion. - Anti-Low-FPS: Basically, a script that warns then kicks all players whom fps is lower or equal to 10 for a period of time like 5 seconds (to avoid lagspike kicks) I think that's enough ideas. I really like that somebody has finally made a topic like this, where we all could say what we would like to see in the server in a civilized way, and who knows, maybe some of the suggestions found in this topic will actually come true if they're good enough.
  12. Banned by the Anti-Cheat. [HM]SadamHussein - Cheating - running s0beit As far as I know, the anti cheat doesn't fail when it bans for "running s0beit" so it must have been a legit ban. I would like to know if the other admins have ever seen a "wrong" ban for the reason above, because as far as I know "airbrake" is the reason for when it sometimes bans randomly. In case you did cheat. We don't unban hackers
  13. It has feelings, you know! You just hurt its btw the speedo in the hud doesnt show how much you're going at
  14. I bumped into this little speedo when I was randomly browsing the MTASA community. http://community.mtasa.com/index.html?p=resources&s=download&resource=5&version=0.9.0&selectincludes=1 Why I like it: Well, most speedometers suck because they look like the ones in real life (round shape) so they take up too much of your screen to fit in. This speedo I'm suggesting we add looks a bit the oldschool MTA speedo and car health, but at least it shows the speed which can be changed from MPH to KPH by pressing the "/" key. I'm posting a pic here to let you know what it looks like but I really think that if we are gonna have this we should replace it with the existing oldschool one and place it in the top right corner as well. So here's the pic, what do you think? http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/9836/speedoq.jpg
  15. @Csena: Talking strictly about No-Respawn DM maps, this has both advantages and disadvantages.. as we already said, the biggest disadvantage is the fact we gotta wait more.. but check out the bright side.. you don't have to continously play.. you can play the map until you're dead and after that you have a few minutes at your disposal to do anything outside the computer, unlike the Racing server where we all know that if you dont play for like 40 seconds you get kicked. Well, dieing in DM has this advantage of not forcing you to stay at PC every second.
  16. That is why it should be Nextmap, not Changemap. And if 2 or more guys buy a nextmap at the same time it can be decided by a vote nomination at the end of that current map. Also, the price needs to be a lot more expensive, not just 50 bucks, because there would be chaos.
  17. If I ever talk to you I can assure you it will be in English. So if I don't, then I'm not talking to you or about you so you shouldn't even care what I'm saying.
  18. Oh yes the music works I like your map and the song. Hope we can play it in the server I'm glad my small tutorial on how to add music to race maps worked. What about your other map? Aren't you going to fix it? Just add ghostmode to it via the map editor, in the definitions tab. It would be a shame if you decided not to fix it anymore, because it was nice.
  19. Your post isn't clear, but I figure you want to add music to a race map in MTA 1.0. There's a scripting way to do this. Download this archive: music.rar Unrar it. Add the music.lua to your map ZIP-archive. Next step: your song should be in an .mp3 format in a folder called "files". Make sure this folder is in the ZIP-archive of the race map just like the LUA is. BTW: your mp3 song HAS to be called "music". Last step: Open meta.xml with Notepad. Right after the <meta> tag, add these 2 lines: <file src="files/music.mp3" /> <script src="music.lua" type="client" /> Save the meta.xml and make sure all files are in the right place. This should do the trick. Everybody in the server will be forced to download your mp3 file and it will play it automatically for them. Edit: I forgot non-admins cannot download attachments so here it is: http://www.filefront.com/16747489/music.rar
  20. Come on man I thought the topic would end after my first reply here.. There wasn't a big deal anyway. I read all your replies and one of you asked what I said to him. As far as I can remember, I told him to fuck off and that was it. (I said that after he kept bugging me on how I should mute players for talking non-english-dutch and also after he had rammed me in the race) .. BTW @ whoever said I would have banned Dutchman for 2 days if he had insulted me back (which he did btw): I don't mute/kick/ban/whatever people just because they swear/insult me. I try to make the game fun and not a big deal out of a swear word that was addressed to me. I tend to ignore swear words or turn the whole shit into a joke so that it would have a happy ending. Now could we go back to the everyday routine? (I hope there won't be another 9999 posts after I've posted this)
  21. I did insult you. Because you previously rammed me purposely... Insults are common in MTA as you cannot handle every single player..And everyone has their moments of tension, of angriness. Any language is allowed in MTA as the /rules only show "English and Dutch are our main languages here". So you're not forced to speak either of these languages.. I figure you just shouldn't expect admin support in chinese or so.
  22. I figure it's the anti-cheat bug again. Unbanned for now.
  23. I'm just the man behind the man if you know what I mean SDK manages everything not me.
  24. What do you mean by pushing the servers to its limit? If what you mean is that there are too many servers in the MrG community and that's why the gameplay is affected on the tf2 servers, well the mta server is on Fenrir and all 4 tf2 servers are on Esidor according to the MrG portal
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