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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. New perk idea? Something horribly broke or unbalanced? Tell me all about it here!
  2. Should be incredibly easy to be added to zombie survival since players are already given XP and SP per minute as human.
  3. Commando already sees zombie health.
  4. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/534019341025417150/DA79BFD54DE8217038FC77E13DE2507833B016E8/
  5. Are you sick of players leaving right before they get killed? Anyone who disconnects will now instantly die and award the last attacker accordingly!
  6. - Zombies that do over 20 damage will now throw humans away slightly. - Zombies that land claw hits will cause humans to bleed everywhere like melee hits. - Updated poison headcrab and poison zombie. - Blood sucker now gives 50% of damage as health instead of 33%. Also from previous updates that are worth noting. - Props are healed (reverse red effect) when you repair nails. - Props are far more durable than they were (don't go red as quickly). - Human explosives don't completely ruin barricades anymore. - Poison zombie and ghoul can heal and overheal zombies with their puke/flesh.
  7. Not her birthday but had her for over 10 years.
  8. Nails are now 10SP.
  9. It's to stop nail to win. More nails in a prop means less damage it will take.
  10. Fast zombies now receive a slowdown after using their claws for 1.6 seconds so they cannot keep up with you and become very vulnerable. Props should now break noticeably slower.
  11. Some changes worth noting: Revision 1439 by Pufulet - Ethereal can no longer teleport 64 units above its current position.- Ethereal can teleport while in air.- Dynamic spawning is disabled on you if you're in air.- Reduced howler scream range from 400 to 256.- Decreased time between howler claw attacks.- Increased howler screen rape intensity.- Howler scream no longer affects player velocity.Revision 1438 by Pufulet - Only infected and poison zombie get powerful propkilling velocity on their props. Rest of the classes have at most 1/4 of that power.
  12. More green please and I can add it. I also need a medipistol out of the hl2 pistol. The stock shouldn't be wood and the barrel looks dirty as hell, unhygienic.
  13. Ghoul and poison zombie can now heal zombies with their puke/flesh. 10HP/5XP for each flesh that comes into contact with a zombie. Zombies can be overhealed by 20%. This adds some more depth to being a zombie since you can support your fellow undead.
  14. On my latest barricading system. Nail maximum health is decreased by 10% of the damage done. Props take damage even if they are nailed. (damage divided by amount of nails) More nails in a prop, the stronger it is. Nails in prop: 1 Damage to prop: 25 Nails in prop: 3 Damage to prop: 8 Nails in prop: 5 Damage to prop: 5 Wooden props will have more health.
  15. More maps added including zs_mcdonalds
  16. This is all on the public server.
  17. Regarding the barricading system: Nailed props take 25% damage.For every nail this takes 4% off.Maximum of 5 nails so the prop only takes 5% damage.If a nail breaks the prop takes the damage from the zombie as well as an extra 25%. More nails, stronger props.
  18. Added roughly 20 maps and removed 2-3 bad ones.
  19. All classes now have progressive perks that get better as you level up. More are still to be added.
  20. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371483203959/3BCD2B01E0A8E415A67161AE53FE0DD17D9DC6D1/ Nearly done with it.
  21. Around 20-30 fps boost I believe.
  22. The perks can just get commented out in a minute. I don't want the engineers to plop a turret down straight away to deal with zombies, they should use it defensively. Engineers also have pulse equipment which means they don't have to spend money on ammunition and can focus on maintaining explosives and their turret. The 20 SP penalty is to stop people from picking up their turret as soon as it's nearly destroyed, that's a single zombie kill. Updated turret info: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371482493952/641D4EF315CE3AC6D83B0AA3D31D29A2D8899815/
  23. What I did with the turret: For some reason the turret was taking quad damage from zombies so that's fixed. 6 Damage ( kills a normal zombie in 3 seconds currently). 150 Ammo 200 Health 0.11 Recharge rate while inactive. 0 Recharge rate while active. 0.1 Fire rate 9 Damage with turret power. 400 health with turret durability. 300 bullets with turret ammo. Holding your reload key while picking it up with use will bring it back to your inventory. Costs 20 SP to deploy, starts with 0 ammo and inactive. When destroyed you get your turret back. Colour of turret is scaled by health ( red means nearly destroyed). Hammer repairs 10hp of the turret. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371482355680/4518FBB783CCD6DF5F92E5817085A3A259E212B4/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371482355915/996F3A3B14CAF4C477DC552746F76BEDB971FFE3/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371482356075/607607EC9BF8EC5D271F2F100CA2A35AA052A264/
  24. Huds http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371478285940/34FE29064CE6209B56F6ECA51A38ECB25DA585F3/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371478289066/3C277D3D10F800B6EA068F5D329E0D4068D9FCB2/
  25. My take on what the new hud should be. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/530640371474732400/ECBC6CAD62930C3E9BD0A4FF36E8EC58001B35E7/
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