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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by Duby

  1. brb sometime, playing Zelda a little bit bored of Online Games

  2. Got tickets to the new StarWars on release day sweetness!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AfuSensi


      have fun mate

    3. Duby


      I've been wondering will they release it in your countries cinema's with sub titles?

  3. The force is strong with this one.....

    1. Personalizado


      that beta is awesome

  4. Thinking of you Reiska, your English dialect will be the finest in the land! http://www.effingpot.com/slang.shtml

  5. The Oude Rode Ogen is coming for you little Necro! You better run as you cannot hide. No no Damien isn't going to help you this time, there is no excape..........

  6. In the land of the Dutch I heard their doors open the other way, true or false :o

  7. God know's why I am asking. I need a quick short song in Russian to get drunk too. Cheers 'Its not for me'

    1. Duby


      That did the trick cheers

  8. This one time I was walking down the road and I saw a man beating a horse to death because it wasn't working hard enough. Apparently that was Reiska's Granddad :o

  9. Greed is all consuming and I think this work of art helps reflect this ideology https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9mYOB0Vx8UdZEhGelVDSktvNGc/view?usp=sharing

  10. Just going to place this here 'Make Antz a greenie already!!!' ;)

    1. Antz


      awww, that's sweet ;v;

    2. Duby


      Don't worry I will add you to my Hentai collection babe ;) first you then Necrossin ;)

  11. Boom boom boom I want the greenies in my room ;) No Blues or Reds, Purples may vary xD

  12. Hide your necrossins

  13. 50 shades of Ywa smoking a dooby

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Knul


      50 SDK's of Alekscore Ywa'ing Jack123 for votekut by 50 kalibwoys

    3. Bob_Taylor


      50 shades of niu maps

  14. Its national laugh at the autist day. Everyone look at Reiska and laugh ;)

    1. Reiska


      I know im good at making autism jokes, but you know that by now don't you

  15. Necro Honey, make flying skulls do less damage, shotguns less range and add my Miku model

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pufulet


      You're all lucky I wasn't on my home pc or I would've been top with xbow and magic.

    3. Duby


      Pufu mate gtfo half of the players playing were on potato's and still kicked your ass. xD

    4. Ben_almighty


      alot of shit in that game needs balancing, like the block ability

  16. We need a Darkest Days event with a nice update. Its such a smooth and sleek game. But it lacks ergonomical impact to new players :

  17. I just died at Omega's comment, kill me now xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cena
    3. Antz


      If you've already died at Omega's comment, how can I kill you?! :( !

  18. Got something nice in the works. But I require Necrossin.... I need to create a trap it seems. No matter as a mad scientist it will be a simplistic task..

  19. Word on the street is Ywa has adopted a child called AleksCore. Congrats Ywa :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ywa


      It was a bad decision.

    3. race


      Congrazolations! with the gay child :D hhaha ?D: aleksia

    4. HeArTBeaT


      You're fucked!

  20. Reiska loves Russia, he might as well be a Russian for his love of Russia is beyond anything we can imagine. Reiska dreams of being in Russia every night, thinking of all the vodka and girls he could never have at home. One day Reiska woke up and there he was. Necrossin, his favourite russian, Reiska sat up and looked deeply into Necrossin's eyes and said, Russia is waiting for me. Necrossin smiled at him and said, yes and I will be your master. Necrossin picked up Reiska and carried him...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AfuSensi


      10/10 would read again

    3. theMOROCCANguy


      what,on flipping earth did i just fucking read twice

  21. When Necro gets angry he gets horny, and we all know what happens then..... Poor Reiska shall never be the same again

    1. Reiska


      its true I don't take pleasure video taping you two doing it

    2. Duby


      Its because Bob Taylor and Kali got angry as Necro didn't want their ass.

  22. When you go on BBC iplayer to watch the BFG and its in Dutch..... FUCKING GOD DAM IT YWA!! ._.

  23. A dying dream makes no sound, for all that I ever know

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Duby


      I love you Damien and you love me. But Necro, he is just jealous of what we have. He is too blind to see it!

    3. Antz


      necro is a #kinkster69

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