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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Flipper

  1. Save button would be really nice, and about weird characters in clan name i dont have idea where that came from
  2. Declined
  3. Closed
  4. I hope to see u soon again ;D
  5. This could be nice
  6. I agree with this, and as Cena said, admins shouldnt touch other admins punishments(bans, blocker mods,....)
  7. Ask @SDK he disabled it, not me
  8. hahah nice translate and nope
  9. I cant understand what are you trying to say, if u are talking about ping limit, i think its high enough, and about lagger mode, its a good thing because, when we didnt have it laggers were just ruining other players gameplay, with teleporting and ramming, which they didnt even notice bcs of their high ping
  10. I muted him a min after he used caps and insulted, just mark him
  11. OK, should be yours now, remember to lock it
  12. @Sky.meh I agree with Mad and Yoshi, u shouldnt use mute for that, and u shouldnt insult other players like that, you are a moderator and you should know how to behave well
  13. You programmed yourself to /dislike every map
  14. I know, but we will always have some 1 to moan
  15. We have 90 gcs/hr for playing and 45 gcs/hr for afk for almost a year now
  16. Looks rly nice aleks, Good job
  17. I agree with Aleks, no unlocking
  18. @Goldberg wrong flag, im from Croatia, not Estonia
  19. and how's now changed to 10 mins? lol
  20. AGA has time limit of 10 mins, i restored it an tested
  21. why u removed AGA @MADKILLER! ? it was all fine with it
  22. Thats really good pc @neox., will be nice to see you ingame again
  23. U can still use that text, only Binded likes are not allowed, /like or /dislike is allowed only
  24. Muted for 14 days
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