even from this post we all can see how reese got provocated, im sry for reese he was good old player, gl irl reese maybe we'll see u in future and i totally agree with words which reese said about laggers in dd/sh
this just went way out of control, I'll lock this, if u wanna get str8kash banned for bad things get some good proofs and report then, dont just start a vote, Locked
@Gonzalezo First video is not blocking, because he didnt even touch you, and 2nd video is 5 months old now, and u are really annoying now with this false reports, watch out with them, im running out of patience with your false reports
Hey Cop_Killer, you were not ramming players, you were blocking, look at this video.
And i would mark str8kash to if hes blocking and u make some proofs