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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Flipper

  1. even from this post we all can see how reese got provocated, im sry for reese he was good old player, gl irl reese maybe we'll see u in future and i totally agree with words which reese said about laggers in dd/sh
  2. Flipper

    Ban STR8KASH

    this just went way out of control, I'll lock this, if u wanna get str8kash banned for bad things get some good proofs and report then, dont just start a vote, Locked
  3. Declined
  4. Ok, Locked
  5. This is not place to argue about wars, invasions, armys, etc. Locked
  6. Yes
  7. And what to do then when some players die after that 1 try, and some are afk, and some of them are just playing arround?
  8. @Gonzalezo First video is not blocking, because he didnt even touch you, and 2nd video is 5 months old now, and u are really annoying now with this false reports, watch out with them, im running out of patience with your false reports
  9. This went out of control, and it will go even further, so i will stop it here now. You can see votes, we will do how the most people will vote
  10. @r0cK That's really nice phone, i like it, One+ has one of the best phones atm
  11. Isnt this same as I wanna find my destiny on race server, u have CPs and its DM
  12. Hahaha
  13. Good job @Goldberg and Dean-End, i like it, this might motivate players to try harder so they can enter those lists
  14. Neither am I xd
  15. No need to record him, u can just take couple of screenshots
  16. Hey Cop_Killer, you were not ramming players, you were blocking, look at this video. And i would mark str8kash to if hes blocking and u make some proofs
  17. Thanks for everything u did for this comunity @AleksCore, I hope to see you again in mta
  18. Try now your nick ddffgg33 should be unlocked
  19. You need to ask @Ywa about it
  20. Idea is good, but i think its not for mix server, if we had rooms it could be added as new gamemode
  21. Deleted
  22. hahahah ill choose both
  23. Ty, this just shows us how an admin shouldnt react, or comment, and btw i disabled snow only once in November
  24. CTF will stay on server, its good gamemode
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