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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MoshPit

  1. New map, this is a challenging map a mix of aot of maps that are on the server. Bike maps, hihi, go go dont fall ect.

    Respawn needs to be set to 2 seconds and duration needs to be set to 600 if posable, it wouldn't save in my editor



  2. Do any of the admins have a color chart for the custom colors on the server? i.e. the colors past the 126 basic mta colors.

    Also the basic color code is of the first 126 colors does anyone know if the list on the server is the same as the basic mta list

    If there is no chart. Is there any way that the colors can be put together. The way it is now, it is a mix of custom color and flat black. It would make it alot easer if all the custom colors started at 127 and all the black put together at the end.

    Lastly would it be possible to add a shorter command lines for the paint job like (/gcavc in addition to /gcaddvehcol)

    same with (/gcalc in addition to /gcaddlightcol) would make it alot easier to customize the veh..

    TIA :)


  3. Personally, I think the GC system should be relaxed slightly... ala:

    1st - 20 GC

    2nd - 15

    3rd - 10

    4th - 8

    5th - 6

    6th - 5

    7th - 4

    8th - 3

    9th - 2

    10th - 1

    Or if not the top 10, maybe the top 6, like the old F1 points system.

    Mainly because the way it is now just seems a bit elitist, if that's the right word, ESPECIALLY as you have to go through the annoyance of entering your entire email address and password just to login (PLUS if your email contains any letter T's, or Y's I'd imagine, it opens up your chat thingy, unless you use /gclogin).

    you can bind the /gclogin to save time. open f8 chat window type: bind f1 gclogin name pass

    make sure u type th f1

    then just hit f1 when u join

  4. Would it be possible to create a green coin tournament? the idea go's like this:

    Server announces that a tournament will start after next race. the player opens gc page(f6-tournament page) clicks join, from there it could be a knock out tournament with a certain amount of players dropped after each race. If it was a 6 map tournament people keep getting knocked off until only one remains as the winner. make it 25 green coins to join then the winner wins all the green coins(or top three split the pot, 1st wins 75% 2cd 15% 3rd 10% ect)

    I'm not entirely sure what would be the best tournament to do. A bracket where if you have 8 racers top 4 places move on, then the best 2 out of the 4 race for 1st. Or maybe just drop 2 after each race until there's a winner. Or some other way.

    the idea would be to have an in game tournament that only involves those who joined. everyone would still be racing everyone, Independent but simultaneous from the the regular race that going on.

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