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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MoshPit

  1. We have it on alw server, what happens is whenever you get close to someone with ghost mode on that persons car kinda go's translucent or invisable but not all the way, makes it easyer to play with gm on.

  2. If you can make it to the train station then the train apears to fly when in fact its driving on invisable tracks. the map that starts in the train if you go to the left instaed of going right to the car spawn to race, to the left you can stay on the tracks you have to slow down around the corners to stay on the track then like i said if you can make it to the train station you will turn right and end up on invisable tracks, if done right the race will end just as you hit the invisable track and all the people watching you will start calling you a cheater:)

  3. We need an fps limit, that is the real test of a problem. whenever you see someone warping around all u have to do is look at their fps and its usally like 9 or something like that and they look like they are moving in slow motion.

  4. Most of the new changes suck, remember the good ole days when things were being added to the server. Now evey thing lately is makeing the server worst, Paying 400 for a map is crap, can't play more than 3 times "crap", 3000 for skins that dont work most of the time is crap, changed the way spawn works "Crap".

  5. This is a stuntplane map Its kinda tough but not too hard. I set the clock to 200 seconds so that it gos quick and noobs will not get stuck on it. If you fly it straight through, it's only takes 1:25(85seconds).

    I also made it ghostmode so that when the noobs crash it doesn't creat a big roadblock at one of the intersections. If you think it should be without ghostmode you can change it.:)

    Goodbye Stuntplane.zip

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