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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sk@tEfigHteR

  1. Fast zombies leap should do no damage and just make the slight push. One fast zombie can spam a human to death. For example a while ago villadelia spammed Me and Hollow to death with a fast zombie. Just one fast zombie kills a level 1 berzerker and a medic. Fast zombies leap should have a 5 second cooldown timer, and while at it they have to do less damage. They just suck the health out of humans so fast. I commonly find myself losing 50+ health to one fast zombie that is spamming. And their hitboxes makes them so hard to hit and kill that they MUST be nerfed. Seriously.. One noob spamming fast zombie killing two full health humans... Oh and NECROSSIN should play on the server more. It's hard to fix things if you don't see what needs fixing yourself. It's easier to see fast zombie spam/Headcrab spam yourself than people whining to you about that all the time.. Without any result most of the time..
  2. Silver dot, they do. It annoys me that players who I never see on the server say things dont need to be fixed. They DO. A fast zombie in half life 2 does nearly the same damage yet it gives only 3 hits untill the rage animation Here they can hit you unlimited times without stopping (exept in some rare cases), And ONE etherial can easely kill a human, (Mostly last humans). Since when they teleport the human spins around (mostly into a horde of hungry zombies) and since they can teleport every 2-3 seconds... And back to the fasties, Their leap does 4 damage and is easely spammable. Maybe it should be made like in left 4 dead? (Hunter pounce). so they have to crouch and wait a second or two to leap.
  3. Solution: Dont Late Redeem I only late redeem when 1# Map sucks hard, 2# Humans caded a spot and I have nowhere to go, 3# I die when there are a little humans left and I get my redeem brains and autoredeem. So in those situations I mostly get stuck and die.
  4. Another suggestion, a new damage reduction (when you redeem), since the current one is aweful. Most of the times I die with 70%-90% damage reduction (In a few hits) And the damage reduction doesn't do ANYTHING about poisonining (Crab bites, Poison zombies,Gas pipes, Zombine poison grenades). It's very annoying when you redeem in a horde of zombies and they grind you up in a second or two.
  6. I do think that the rules should be more detailed (F1 menu ingame ZS), since cadis got a temporary ban for a reason that is not stated in the rule list but still is against the rules. For the new players joining and dont really know if they are doing something bannable
  7. Rifles should also get a small damage buff, Galil/AK/M4A1/AUG should all do ~15 damage, Famas should do ~23 and the SAW should do ~20. I am suggesting this cause rifles should to more damage than SMG's, Supports get their SMG's at 20 kills (rifles need 30) and they have roughly the same damage and a higher rate of fire. And supports get bonus SMG damage while commandos get a larger magazine, and it really is obvious wich is stronger. (Rifles SHOULD do alot more damage than SMG's)
  8. If a place is heavily caded then they should destroy the cade to get in, it makes more sence than flying zombies. And propjumping is mostly used on places where poison zombies are too slow to make a jump. And that's the point for them being slow. So humans can run away from them. Prop jumping makes running imposssible.. since they can reach humans in most places. If you want to get past a heavily barricaded spot from an alternate route take fast zombie. That's what fasties are made for, jumping. Not poison zombies. Poison zombies are made for head-on attacks to a human barricade. Oh and the headcrabs seem to be made out of ice, when you step on them you fly uncontrolably. Wich brings me to the next issue! COLLISIONS You get stuck (Like when you be on an angle of 45 degrees or more in the source engine like you're "surfing") When ever you jump on a zombie, not exactly stuck but you slide around at different speeds, if they jump you'll get stuck and be unable to move at all. Headcrabs are the worst since they easely get under you and make you fly around. And most of the time a fast zombie attacks me I get stuck in it without any way to move out other than to kill it. And for the people blaming the source engine, It doesn't seem like it. Collisions seem to be fine on other servers and gamemodes. (On a sandbox server we made a tower out of seven people standing on each other and none slipped slided or fell in any way).
  9. you still farmed. I farmed. Once or Twice. (Just to make it clear Darkstar warned sushi not me)
  10. I USED to farm, that was a long time ago. And this is a ban request for French Killer and skate, Not me and Blue Sushi (even though my ingame nick is Skate...)
  11. Server: Mr. Green Zombie Survival skate ( STEAM_0:0:38614876) And Fr3nCh_KiYlL3R ( STEAM_0:0:41300635) They have been constantly ghosting (I have no video evidence of this yet) They both join at roughly the same time and one of them is always AFK (wich suggests that it might be his second account). I've seen how French killer goes AFK and skate goes right infront of french killer (Who is AFK). Then skate goes AFK and french killer suddenly gets back to his keyboard and shoots skate, he repeats this and gets alot of kills (Topped the human scoreboard). This happened today on ugly fort snow (Near a big window where french killer stood and waited for skate) It also happened on House Number 23. (The zombies were having a pool party at the moment) French killer was running around killing the (Currently AFK) skate. I have a witness for both cases of ghosting (Tennisballesser), I asked him to record on the second ocasion but sadly he didn't have his Fraps on. Ps: It really annoys me that he has the same nickname as me.
  12. Well the people who do execute it properly kill the whole human team (or atleast the ones on the roof), Plus it makes no logical sence. A big fat zombie with tons of headcrabs flying across the map just by hitting a bucket/tire? I saw teams of 15 humans on a single roof all die to 1-2 propjumping poison zombies. And even if it is a tactic it is an overpowered one, flying zombies that have 400 health and take nearly half your health in one hit? It should be removed. Also it seems that poison zombies deminish the role of other zombie classes once it's unlocked. No use for normal zombies, no use for fast zombies (Since poisons just magicly fly up on props), And why take any other zombie when they have massive Damage Health and heal each other?
  13. Propjumping should also be removed, it makes the game very unbalanced (Happens alot on lighthouse and Subversive 3). The last thing we need with fast zombies are flying poison zombies. It really ruins the game and I hope it gets removed soon.
  14. Oh and while I am at it, is there any way to make melee weapons hit like the stock HL2 crowbar or similar? It's impossible to properly hit a zombie with a melee weapon. I even see blood coming out but the hit doesn't register.
  15. Here's a few suggestions me and some other people thought of today. -The shop upgrade "Last Man Stand" should be able to be toggled via the F4 menu, It is really annoying when you have a powerful weapon like a SAW/M1014/Boomstick and it gets replaced with a far weaker weapon like supports M3, Commandos Annabelle, and the medics crossbow (Wich is not weak but rarely kills anything). -If it is possible the commando grenade should be fixed, since it can easely kill humans through solid walls. -About the zombies, Etherials should have a much longer cooldown timer (It's impossible to do anything with just two of them teleporting around) and as last human even one can easely get you killed using the teleport (Teleports behind you and you just run into a horde of poison zombies). They should also have a much shorter range, It makes the etherials basicly teleporting invisible normal zombies that have a range of half the average ZS map. -Poison zombies they shoulden't heal each other and have a bit less health (350 or so) since a group of 2 or more poison zombies can barely be stopped Poison headcrab's bite takes off too much HP, I tested it and it took 80+ Health from me in one bite. -A few maps should be removed too such as the old version of pub (We don't really need 2 versions of roughly the same map), And Tigrick should be removed too since there is no place to cade and the map is very small. -And I almost forgot, the speed boost on certain maps is just awefull,(Forgotten city and Plaza. The speed boost makes them hard to hit and much faster than you, and it lasts for a long time (Long enough to get you killed) -Another thing I almost forgot (lawl), Zombie range is a bit to large. A poison zombie can hit you from far away, it doesn't even look how it is supposed to from a 3'rd person veiw (As the zombie has shorter arms than the damage range). And makes it running from etherials impossible since they can hit you in the back from a mile away (even if they stop moving)
  16. Perhaps make an ingame suggestion system that can be opened using F1, where Necrossin can put suggestions and players can vote Yes/No on them and add comments, maybe make it so anyone can put a suggestion.
  17. This will be the first map that I have ever published (If it gets onto the server), It's a medium/large sized map of some sort of facility in Siberia It consists of two main areas (One in a building the other underground)With paths linking them together (A dark tunnel, A slight snowy hill with a ladder at the end of it). There aren't many places to barricade. The background story of the place is that it got attacked by the combine using headcrab canisters and thus starting the whole zombie apocalypse. There are a few secret spots. Screenshots are below Screenshots of the map The map is also still in construction so feel free to post any suggestions for it, I hope you like it.
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