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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mayco

  1. Mayco


    Moved topic, has nothing to do with bans & unbans.
  2. Although I sort of understand the immersion of mostly using walk, it's just too slow for me. Personally, I try to refrain from fast-traveling too though.
  3. Heh, pretty cool reskin for the Skyrim moon
  4. Hold E on objects
  5. I'm guessing it's "fov 80", field of view makes more sense than point of view.
  6. One spell in each hand I suppose
  7. You can use this in your life as an assassin:
  8. Prismaa just sent me this, it's pretty insane:
  9. They aren't crap, they're nice. Nothing high-end, just good. Like I said, it's an open world, you can explore everything in the map without loading times (well okay, there's a short loading screen when you enter a city). Anyway it's simply dumb to judge a game by its looks. Minecraft looks like utter shit, but it's still a good game.
  10. Talking about art:
  11. Well you have some pretty badass kill finishing moves, I'm sure I haven't seen 'em all. Also, have a picture I just took:
  12. Can you/him/her actually chop down trees? Unfortunately not, you can chop only small pieces of wood in half in preset places.
  13. I've been playing pretty much non-stop and it's great. Pretty funny easter egg/reference: when I walked past a guard, he said "Let me guess, they stole your sweetroll". Also, at a certain point you get a companion that you can order to do things for you. Mine is now chopping wood.
  14. My VPN is ready, bring it on Skyrim.

  15. You forgot Skyrim
  16. Sure looks like they're using RAGE again. Can't blame 'em really, I just hope they upgrade and optimize it a lot.
  17. Currently waiting for a friend to finish work so we can play some co-op
  18. I understand that you're mad, but complaining to us has, indeed, the same effect as sitting back and not playing the game.
  19. I'm afraid you guys overestimate the moddability of BF3. As far as I know it's not very moddable nor is there any word an SDK release. I could be completely wrong, but I dont think donation perks are doable for the time being.
  20. Depending on how much people are willing to pitch in, I'm on board.
  21. I ordered from Origin and I don't think I have any codes.
  22. Mayco

    Unban tonyhok

    Before we can do anything we need to know which admin banned you and why he banned you.
  23. I have the Origin version and I haven't had any crashes so far.
  24. I found the Washington theory a lot more compelling
  25. Always be cautious around Volkswagen Golf drivers and never trust them.
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