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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CyriusG

  1. Everything that this guy said and good luck.
  2. It was found at first but later on the lag was unbearable. I also took some pictures.
  3. You little coward... Scaring the enemies away with changing difficult is for cowards, real men play with peaceful all the time.
  4. Holy shit Sneed, your map is enormous! O_O
  5. Wow, this looks really fun!
  6. Overclocking your GPU dosen't give you that many more fps but you will notice higher fps just not that many.
  7. 8/10 Pretty nice. Good old Motörhead.
  8. Who says you can decide that. The keyword in that is THINK.
  9. If you can't even create a proper thread i don't think you deserve to be admin.
  10. I didn't have that problem and nor did my friend have it while me made our accounts.
  11. 8/10 Pretty epic... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCu_jrog7E0
  12. Spam much...

  13. Have a pleasant holliday Chiken.
  14. Lucky for me that i have disabled Internet Explorer.
  15. Why am i the first person that say happy birthday to you in here o_O?

  16. Buy one of those Linksys routers (Cisco ) or one of these http://www.dlink.co.uk/cs/Satellite?c=Product_C&childpagename=DLinkEurope-GB%2FDLProductCarousel&cid=1197319392680&p=1197318962342&packedargs=ParentPageID%3D1197318962321%26TopLevelPageProduct%3DConsumer%26locale%3D1195806691854%26packedargs%3DProductParentID%253D1195808621247&pagename=DLinkEurope-GB%2FDLWrapper
  17. left4green.com youtube.com thatguywiththeglasses.com sweclockers.com swedroid.se alliedmods.net ebay.co.uk webhostingtalk.com That is those that i visit the most.
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