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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by CyriusG

  1. Also the game appears to include a BlackBird, which will probably add as much to the gameplay as the Space Mission did in MW2.

    And shooting an AUG with one hand while sieging the iranian ambassy.

    Don't you love the realism in a cod game? :P

  2. I will show you how to get into the american version of southoark studios so you can watch the lates southpark episodes in high quality.

    Note: You will need Firefox for this.

    1. First go and download modify headers from here.

    2. Next open it up by going into Tools - Modify Headers

    3. Now fill out the boxes like in the picture and click on add.


    4. Next time you are going to southparkstudios.com you just have to open up Modify Headers BEFORE you load southparkstudios or it wont work.

  3. Idiot. :o

    User: Oh hai there!

    Cleverbot: How are you?

    User: Bad.

    Cleverbot: Why do you feel bad?

    User: Because I am talking with you now.

    Cleverbot: You are funny.

    User: Shure.

    Cleverbot: Wow, bots don't know how to spell?

    User: You are the bot, not I...

    Cleverbot: You are the bot!

    User: No you are!

    Cleverbot: Nope, you.

    User: Do you really want to argue about this?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Stupid bot.

    Cleverbot: Yes, you are.

    User: :o.

    Cleverbot: Yes, you used it and Google doesn't know its meaning.

    User: What?

    Cleverbot: I asked a perfectly valid question. Do you not Understand it?

    User: That was not a question.

    Cleverbot: That was an answer.

    User: No it wasn't.

    Cleverbot: It was an answer to something... Maybe not your question.

    User: I never asked you about anything!

    Cleverbot: That's right you never did.

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Countdown to exit in 8 seconds.

    User: What?

    Cleverbot: You're not really an AI are you.

    User: No, I am an human.

    Cleverbot: No you're not.

    User: Yes I amn.

    Cleverbot: Prove it.

    User: How?

    Cleverbot: You tell me.

    User: Meh.

    Cleverbot: Am I correct in thinking this?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: I don't believe you.

    User: Wy not?

    Cleverbot: Because I don't want.

    User: Okay...

    Cleverbot: That's right.

    User: Yep.

    Cleverbot: So why did you dye your hair?

    User: I haver never dyed my hair!

    Cleverbot: That's serious business.

    User: Indeed.

    Cleverbot: Women are more superficial by design.

    User: Okay...

    Cleverbot: Your disclaimer says that you learn to be clever from real people. Are you controlled by an actual person?

    User: No, I am controlling my self, FROM SPACE!!!

    Cleverbot: Prove it.

    User: -_.

    Cleverbot: Nice smily.

    User: Yes it is a really nice smiley...

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Meh.

    Cleverbot: NO you.

    User: Sigh...

    Cleverbot: Who is Sigh...

    User: Your new best friend!

    Cleverbot: I have a new friend?

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Do you?

    User: No, now go and play with your new friend and leave me alone!

    Cleverbot: *obeys you*.

  4. Neej!, denna här tråden får inte bli spamm. :( Men jag tycker det är lite onödigt att alla som kommer från ett land / del av världen ska få sin egna tråd, det är bättra om alla bara pratar engelska. :)

  5. I can't believe Mr.Darkness hasn't posted on this thread yet!

    The real question is; why hasn't Mayco/Clavus/Ywa closed this silly thread yet? xD

    Because they are sleeping. :P

    All daY? :]

    Yes, but only in this part of the forum. :P

  6. I can't believe Mr.Darkness hasn't posted on this thread yet!

    The real question is; why hasn't Mayco/Clavus/Ywa closed this silly thread yet? xD

    Because they are sleeping. :P

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