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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by CyriusG

  1. Just waiting for Clavus & Ywa to confess something :V

    Like they don´t really own the severs, they just stole them from some bloke.

    I have to confess the i like this community. :)

  2. My turn!

    1. Real name and age?

    My real name is Joacim Robin Eriksson if you include my middlename and i am 15 year old, 16 later this year.

    2. Where do you live?

    Gothenburg Sweden

    3. Previous experince with communities and boards?

    I have been at some boards but i haven´t really got involved in any of the boards except for maybe my own site but my site is pretty much dead now. :/

    4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job)

    School :o

    5. Go to school? If yes, studying what?

    For now 9th grade but will start in gymnasium this autum and it is mainly a IT gymnasium.

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words?

    Shy, Helpful, Nice

    7. Anything else you wanna tell us?

    I always try to help people unless i don´t like them.

  3. Bump with some background info I got from a Dutch TV show (Pauw & Witteman):

    The children were going to a class/school with their father. One of the 2 children is damaged permanently and is deformed thanks to the bullet. They didn't say a lot about the other kid, but they did say their dad didn't survive it (just like the other people they initially started shooting).

    Wow... I hate that gunner from now on. How can you shoot at civilians let alone children going to school and then laugh at it?

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