I just got tipped off about this topic and i wanna sincerely thank you Harcore for standing up for me but honestly i had that all coming. I stepped in mix world from race where admins were always laid back not giving two fvcks about insults. If there was a bigger fight on the chat they would step in and tell them to shut the fvck up and the situation was solved. Mix is a complete different world where admins desperately try to keep it clean as if it wasn't a 18+ game. I didn't adjust. Even though my insults were limited to 'asshole' or 'monkey' that still was enough to gain the most toxic player title. Like i said before, i wasn't smart enough to avoid it.
As much as i expected a biased post from Cena coming from a personal haterd towards me i didn't think Gametaff was so buttuhrt and angry with me. Me and him played in the same server for many years and not once had we exchenged words or even said hi to each other. Until shortly before my ban when we had a little altercation in the chat about some non-important discussion. Gametaff, you started that and you were the first to come up with country 'insults' like 'typical polish' stuff. I never insulted south americans. What's more, when someone complained about their ping affecting the fun of racing i kept saying it's bearable and not that big a deal. You're the next person to have personal issues with me. I don't know if you dislike me because i never acknowleged you or because i always beat you in racing. But coming out on the forum whining what a bad sport i am while you were the arrogant one? That's just low, mate.
Once again i wanna thank and make a shout out to my race fellows especially Fak who said i'm missed in race. I didn't expect that such an unlikable cunt like myself may gain some fondness and i also miss having fun with you guys. But i'm not planning to want to return any time soon.
As for ras thing i can't really relate to it since the case got big when i was already gone.
Damn that's a bigger wall of text than i expected. Click.