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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by sweetsandy

  1. Someone: Hey Tony, what's your favourite colour? Tony: I study and work at the same time.
  2. Tłumacz się teraz, konfidencie denty.

    @Mateoryt @suckarr


    1. Gonzalezo


      co to za przecpany przylizany frajerzyna z zezem

    2. jack123


      grandi zrob wideo jak on

    3. sweetsandy


      to twój ponury żniwiarz..jak w końcu po ciebie przyjdzie to konfiturę bedziesz przez słomke jadł 😆

  3. It wouldnt be a bad idea provided the missile loads way slower than in shooter mode. Anything is better than DL :-)
  4. gromghost777 [NTS]Smegma
  5. gromghost777 Race- City coaster
  6. wooziee not loving this at all
  7. As somebody who's been dealing with his backwardness for years I think my opinion can be helpful to some people so I'll be quick. Anybody who thinks NoKash is not that bad is not really aware of how irritating he is especially to polish players. The reason he doesn't get punished is because he's totally irrelevant and nobody cares about a loser like him. I mean 10k hours and not a single top time? That's an embarrassment and punishment at the same time..best advice is to ignore him and as long as you have just basic racing skills he will be no problem to you
  8. All 3 are really good so nobody should complain about them
  9. I would suggest adding Big Fucking Madness since it's a SH most players like and one with super jump And one jededo map is totally enough.. I would add some more challenging nts
  10. Yes it used to be the same for everyone, now some people jump higher than the others.. Imo it would be fair if either the highest jump was removed at all or it came back to how it was
  11. Race- Rip#2 Mix- NTS- Where's my pizza
  12. That's awsome, would be cool to make one on race someday too SilentBeast777
  13. What does technically mean? You're one of the easiest targets. It's funny you say i'm angry because someone asked me once why I never complain about getting killed.. I said i cry on the inside, so well done on seeing through my soul. It's not absurd, it's facts. If there was the same situation with DD im 100 %certain you wouldn't make a topic of this sort.
  14. I call bullshit on this one. If you ask racers about mix they will call it shit in general, they don't care about any specific mode trust me. Like Dub said just because the community loves SH it doesn't make these frequent purchases unfair like you've stated. You're just mad because you can't handle the mode.
  15. Hola Si no me hubieran prohibido por insultos ... Definitivamente me habría unido The Lords Street. La mejor de las suertes en sus esfuerzos futuros wn! Tuyo irrelevante, ElJengibre
  16. Give this man the job already. He's the only person to be able to handle the turkish mess that goes on in the chat. He's a chill guy with patience so he deserves it. Plus he's the best shooter in the server now that the GOAT's out. Best of luck with it
  17. Wow, that's a creative way to finish LS Ariport. I didnt think it was possible..good job
  18. So you can't take serious someone with a few months exp but you hail and praise someone who's been here for a month? Why can't you just admit it's all personal for you instead of showing your hypocrisy over and over?
  19. jakim ty jestes glupkiem.. hejtujesz mnie i jedoczesnie wspierasz mnie w temacie.. jako naczelny inwalida  umysłowy spisałeś się świetnie

  20. Looks like he forgot to mention aboout complains on himself.. well.. if people sat quiet in the eighties we'd still have communism in Poland..we can't lose hope
  21. What i got from Skynet's logic is: "Hi fucking faggots" entrance > silent afterwards = OK, but silent entrance > loud afterwards = BAN. For instance, a new player's first day on mrgreen; sees Skynet get online with his regular entrance. So what is he thinking? Hell yea i can say whatever i want fuck around with other players, so much fun! Next thing he sees he gets muted by Stig for saying fucking noob in the chat. Since demotion is not an option my honest and unbiased opinion is Cena should warn Skynet to never say things like that again.
  22. Thanks for making me giggle.
  23. I seriously don't get how you're the one talking about morals and stuff while every time you get online you greet people with 'hi faggots' and the most frequent phrase coming from you is 'fuck off'. Can you take a stance to that? You're joking, of course. That's your double standard bullshit.
  24. I just got tipped off about this topic and i wanna sincerely thank you Harcore for standing up for me but honestly i had that all coming. I stepped in mix world from race where admins were always laid back not giving two fvcks about insults. If there was a bigger fight on the chat they would step in and tell them to shut the fvck up and the situation was solved. Mix is a complete different world where admins desperately try to keep it clean as if it wasn't a 18+ game. I didn't adjust. Even though my insults were limited to 'asshole' or 'monkey' that still was enough to gain the most toxic player title. Like i said before, i wasn't smart enough to avoid it. As much as i expected a biased post from Cena coming from a personal haterd towards me i didn't think Gametaff was so buttuhrt and angry with me. Me and him played in the same server for many years and not once had we exchenged words or even said hi to each other. Until shortly before my ban when we had a little altercation in the chat about some non-important discussion. Gametaff, you started that and you were the first to come up with country 'insults' like 'typical polish' stuff. I never insulted south americans. What's more, when someone complained about their ping affecting the fun of racing i kept saying it's bearable and not that big a deal. You're the next person to have personal issues with me. I don't know if you dislike me because i never acknowleged you or because i always beat you in racing. But coming out on the forum whining what a bad sport i am while you were the arrogant one? That's just low, mate. Once again i wanna thank and make a shout out to my race fellows especially Fak who said i'm missed in race. I didn't expect that such an unlikable cunt like myself may gain some fondness and i also miss having fun with you guys. But i'm not planning to want to return any time soon. As for ras thing i can't really relate to it since the case got big when i was already gone. Damn that's a bigger wall of text than i expected. Click.
  25. sweetsandy


    1. Your ingame name: SandySweet2. Date of your ban : 26:12:20173. What game/server are you banned from: mrgreen race and mix4. Who banned you (only if you know who) No idea, probably Skynet5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) No idea6. Reason why we should unban you: I haven't done or said anything against the rules
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