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Mr. Green Gaming


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waspy. last won the day on May 6 2018

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About waspy.

  • Birthday 01/12/1998

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    Sushi :v


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  1. well i think all of those are boring gamemodes and just waste of time bcs we want to play the best modes which are NTS RTF DD AND SH, though id choose DL to stay. Its quite ok gamemode bcs its fast, so less time to wait for the next gamemode which is SH. But I see more people talking about CTF should stay... IDK
  2. Run!.mp3 Dubstep.mp3
  3. lol xDD MTA_ San Andreas 2020-04-23 20-52-49.mp4
  4. @RealJesus mate, i have to inform you that.. I AM THE HOTTEST GIRL.
  5. why the fuck you`ve hidden that

    1. Cena


      I didn't, another admin did. To answer you, yes you did annoy me earlier that day so I was on.

    2. waspy.


      WHY did I annoy my man?

  6. LOLWAT? WHERES HIS REASON? he as an admin should put the reason, if he put no reason, he got NO REASON TO MUTE. I dont have to post the whole historic here, the screenshot is there. If Stig thinks the "whole historic" should be put, he could go and do it to prove im wrong and he is right.
  7. So, I just asked him why he wasnt in KoM and he muted me. Hes angry all the time and solves to abuse and mute. He rages cuz we play SH and he cant stand chances, nor win a single race. Not a good admin, that's for sure.
  8. 0/-10
  9. 3/10
  10. that one? im interested
  11. Ohhh u the girl I’m looking for ;-; so precious 

  12. LOL cmon ban RAS! he does cheat and its not the first time someone complains about it.. I mean just ban him bcs he does cheat, and stop banning people for foolish reasons https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/19968-nowunbanmeeemo§hit/ i also have seen him speed hacking once i even votekick him from the server if i was an admin i would ban him rn. but its up to the classy admins to do so.
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