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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from ferf676 in Insults from Zeus   
    You are always starting a fight, saying that people hate france, and that if someone says something about France they are racists and so on. Politics/ethnicity is not to be discussed and it’s not appropriated. You were banned for a week this time.
    You were unbanned from a permanent ban already, and still you act the same. 
    Mind It’s your last of the last chance, if ever you act again like that, you are going to be permanently banned, IP ban from the server and forums. I have talked to @MADKILLER and malleably, we decided to give you one last chance.
  2. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from Napo in Insults from Zeus   
    You are always starting a fight, saying that people hate france, and that if someone says something about France they are racists and so on. Politics/ethnicity is not to be discussed and it’s not appropriated. You were banned for a week this time.
    You were unbanned from a permanent ban already, and still you act the same. 
    Mind It’s your last of the last chance, if ever you act again like that, you are going to be permanently banned, IP ban from the server and forums. I have talked to @MADKILLER and malleably, we decided to give you one last chance.
  3. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from Maher in Insults from Zeus   
    You are always starting a fight, saying that people hate france, and that if someone says something about France they are racists and so on. Politics/ethnicity is not to be discussed and it’s not appropriated. You were banned for a week this time.
    You were unbanned from a permanent ban already, and still you act the same. 
    Mind It’s your last of the last chance, if ever you act again like that, you are going to be permanently banned, IP ban from the server and forums. I have talked to @MADKILLER and malleably, we decided to give you one last chance.
  4. Like
    waspy. reacted to Berg in [SUGGESTION] Unofficial clanwar   
    As we've got many teams on mrgreen MTA network i suggest to add clanpoints, for example: For each win, let's say i win in the name of KoM, the whole KoM team achieve points, like 5 points for each win, or/and 2nd and 3rd place.
    It's not really a problem people make new teams when they get tired of their clantags or whatever the reason may be, but i would say a scoreboard for teams would definitely attract people to be proud of their team.
    This is not an important option, it's just for the entertainment. And NOT necessarily add some sort of reward for the team that achieve most points. If this would be something popular and maybe in progress i would suggest it to be an all-time scoreboard which means the points of each team doesn't refresh necessarily.
    Feel free to develop this suggestion
  5. Like
    waspy. reacted to Micha3lo in MTA Christmas event!   
    Name: KoM|DubStep
    Map for day 1: [SH] HAX
    Map for day 2: [SH] So fucking fucked
    Map for day 3: [SH] Step up your game
  6. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from race in (MIX) NTS Metallica Tour & NTS Let's go, baby deleted   
    no, dumper could have passed that gap there. And you can actually drive a dumper on DD edges. Combine you cant. Combine on DD means be stopped, or fall down.
  7. Upvote
    waspy. reacted to NatureX+ in Maximum PING (MIX)   
    Yeah, it hurts, really hurts when I can't play this server anymore. Been on this server for 2 years aand yeah I can't play this anymore except when it's night on YOUR time. My only suggestion is higher the ping to 300, yep 300. I'd be really thankful if you do so, not just me, all other asians and latinooo. Thank you.
    I don't know if I must post it on the "complaints" thread. Well, just move it if you think I'm wrong.
  8. Like
    waspy. reacted to HaRCoR7 in Mr. Green Youtube channel   
    Hi, if you've got other ideas in mind, let me know!

    YouTube Banner(2560x423):

    I also made some thumbnails to be used on the channel, since pitch black is ugly!





    For more requests, I'd be glad to help!
  9. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from Gametaff in smash or pass?   
  10. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from BlueYoshi97 in smash or pass?   
  11. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from Maher in H҉A҉X   
    Some people say we "Hax"
    h҉h҉hhh҉h҉hh҉hh҉҉hhh҉hh҉hhh҉hh҉hhh҉h                   :-)  
    • Ghest (Brazil) 
    • SandySweet (Poland)
    • Sky (Lithuania)
    • Skilzz (France)
    • BlanK (Morocco)
    • =FoX=rovan. (Poland)
    • ReVenGe (United Kingdom)
    • n4m7 (United Kingdom)
    • Lasse (Denmark)
    • SK.Magik(Poland)
    • Brolius (Poland)
    • [SiK]Megas (Bulgaria)
    • [SiK]BerzerK (Croatia)
    • Modestep (Peru)
    • Casta (Poland)
    • Mateoryt (Poland)
    • HaRCoR7(Israel)
    • qRew (Turkey)
    • Akeno (Turkey)
    • DaBaS (Greece)
    • Maher (Israel)

  12. Like
    waspy. reacted to Berg in (MIX) NTS Metallica Tour & NTS Let's go, baby deleted   
    I really dont see a reason to delete them aswell, those maps has been a reason that i gained interest in the mix server long time ago. I buy those maps sometimes and people claim to like it. So peoples opinion is not a problem, and the map itself is neither a problem, no bugs, no impossible checkpoints, just as Accident said, some skills and u will do good. And i see on Let's go baby why you think there's long between cps, at one spot there is quiet far between 2 checkpoints, but thats just at one spot, its a part of the fun imo. There would be a problem if the map would consist of these far checkpoints 100%, now its just at one spot and the luck plays a role, which i think is fun.
  13. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from LethalBrulee in Admin abuse   
    Since when someone is not able to /lol at somebody? and that is definitely not a reason for 7 days of ban. Not even a mute.
    Just because you are administrator that doesn't make you with more rights than other players. You just think you are a dictator.
    And banning Zeus as well? You ain't the owner of this server to ban whoever and whenever you want just because someone is laughing. How cool would that be, you don't like that someone who is laughing and you ban him. And don't come to tell me he is provoking because laughing is not a reason to do so.
    I'm sick of your administration, you are always lazy, thinking that only because you are online you are doing your job. Behaving like you are unique and no one can touch you, also flaming other staff, like Maher and me and even saying we are just "mod" which makes that you think that you are better than us. BUT YOU ARE WRONG. And when you do something IS ONLY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, such a thing that just could have come up from a Dictator. 
    You have been warned before, and that thing that just happened there was abusive.
    Better @Cena get you demoted, otherwise I'll go for @Ywa
  14. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from Flo in Post your connection speed   
    This is the legit how-could-you-even-upload-this-post-on-this-shit internet.

  15. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from Maher in Maher's Admin Application   
    (งᵔ.ᵔ)ง Good luck
  16. Like
    waspy. reacted to Maher in Maher's Admin Application   
    Gameserver: MrGreenGaming, Mix (A bit of race server)
    Age: 18
    Country of origin: Israel
    Link to Steam Community profile *: MaheJa
    Discord name **: Maher (Maher#2894)
    Ingame name: Maher (KoM|Maher)
    Why you think you're fit to be admin: 
    (No need to mention a little of myself because i already know that nearly whole players know me)
    (If you want to, Click this link)
    I made the server go well those days after becoming a Moderator, Yeah sometimes not (When the problem comes with player and player) and i help it out so i can stop it and let it go well like normal days going in MrGreengaming Mix server, Of course i watch the server with a help of @Santiii733 and take care of it, Actually i will always do my best for this server even if something happened to  me i'd continue. No matter what. 
    I'm more friendly with everyone, I love every player, Yep it's still true what i had mentioned before (In my Moderator Application), I still hate negatives so i'm a total positive person.
    I think some players need a heavier punishments, While I'm on or not, Like muting and votekicking etc, Many players do not follow the rules so i try to help it out asap.
    I get many reports when i'm not in server, so i think Admin role would help me preventing the players breaking the rules, Also when the server is broken or stuck, I could restart it if i got the admin role which i can help the server more faster.
    So, After nearly 5 - 6 months being a Moderator of this server, I feel that's the time i shall be Admin now after seeing @r0cK's Admin role gone so i'm trying to be getting a replacement of his admin role.
    I can help the server even more like i did in my Moderator role, So i decided so to make this Admin application and help the server.
  17. Upvote
    waspy. reacted to Sky in Sky's Moderator Application   
    Yes, I was a moderator before, but then I had too much stuff going on in my life so I had to quit playing MTA in the summer. I admit, I quit the server in a dumb and unreasonable way, I was just at that point of giving up back then. having played for 4 years non-stop (kinda fell on me). Now, though, I feel like I have the energy to play daily again and go back into keeping the server on track.
    Gameserver: MrGreen MIX, sometimes RACE.
    Age: 18
    Country of origin: Denmark
    Link to Steam Community profile *: no sir
    Discord name **: Sky#5730
    Ingame name: Sky
    Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:
    As I mentioned before, I have been a moderator for 1,5 years before, so I surely have experience. Ever since coming back I felt that a big part of me was still feeling responsible for the wellness of the server, and yes, bringing up the same point i made 2 years ago - there are rule evasions in the server made by other players and there is no staff to take action on them at the time when I'm online.
    I use moderator commands mainly to get rid of campers, because that is the most common issue. The second most common issue is spammers and targeted insults, so I take care of those too.
    Other than that, I feel like with my presence people didn't really feel like evading the ground rules, since I have earned a certain level of reputation and they had the common sense that I was going to take action on them if they don't comply. I constantly put out warning messages in the chat that any campers or runners will be punished, as well as give personal warnings if needed.
    I'm also active on the Discord server. I listen to the people in the server, even if it might not seem like i pay attention. I always keep a close eye on the chat and the overall atmosphere in the server, since I am very observant. I'd love to get back into keeping the server clean of abuse, bringing more fun in the player experience. If the time comes when I feel like I can do more, I have future ambitions for an administrator application.
     Thanks for your attention! 
    ~ Peace out ~
  18. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from inteLzzz in intelzzz's moderator app   
    Good luck pal
  19. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from Sky in H҉A҉X   
    Some people say we "Hax"
    h҉h҉hhh҉h҉hh҉hh҉҉hhh҉hh҉hhh҉hh҉hhh҉h                   :-)  
    • Ghest (Brazil) 
    • SandySweet (Poland)
    • Sky (Lithuania)
    • Skilzz (France)
    • BlanK (Morocco)
    • =FoX=rovan. (Poland)
    • ReVenGe (United Kingdom)
    • n4m7 (United Kingdom)
    • Lasse (Denmark)
    • SK.Magik(Poland)
    • Brolius (Poland)
    • [SiK]Megas (Bulgaria)
    • [SiK]BerzerK (Croatia)
    • Modestep (Peru)
    • Casta (Poland)
    • Mateoryt (Poland)
    • HaRCoR7(Israel)
    • qRew (Turkey)
    • Akeno (Turkey)
    • DaBaS (Greece)
    • Maher (Israel)

  20. Upvote
    waspy. reacted to ElTigere in So, um hi im back   
    so ... I played last night and there were quite alot of people on so i dont think that ZS is completely dead but the coding makes it kind of unplayable, the HUD is fine but just add some things from the good 'ol times and some1 who is willing  to redeem  this gamemode. And if that is fixed we can get the community back. If there is one God Emperor who can bring this server back i am sure as hell that i am gonna crowbar some fools again 
  21. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from Berg in Admin abuse   
    Since when someone is not able to /lol at somebody? and that is definitely not a reason for 7 days of ban. Not even a mute.
    Just because you are administrator that doesn't make you with more rights than other players. You just think you are a dictator.
    And banning Zeus as well? You ain't the owner of this server to ban whoever and whenever you want just because someone is laughing. How cool would that be, you don't like that someone who is laughing and you ban him. And don't come to tell me he is provoking because laughing is not a reason to do so.
    I'm sick of your administration, you are always lazy, thinking that only because you are online you are doing your job. Behaving like you are unique and no one can touch you, also flaming other staff, like Maher and me and even saying we are just "mod" which makes that you think that you are better than us. BUT YOU ARE WRONG. And when you do something IS ONLY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, such a thing that just could have come up from a Dictator. 
    You have been warned before, and that thing that just happened there was abusive.
    Better @Cena get you demoted, otherwise I'll go for @Ywa
  22. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from RealJesus in Admin abuse   
    Since when someone is not able to /lol at somebody? and that is definitely not a reason for 7 days of ban. Not even a mute.
    Just because you are administrator that doesn't make you with more rights than other players. You just think you are a dictator.
    And banning Zeus as well? You ain't the owner of this server to ban whoever and whenever you want just because someone is laughing. How cool would that be, you don't like that someone who is laughing and you ban him. And don't come to tell me he is provoking because laughing is not a reason to do so.
    I'm sick of your administration, you are always lazy, thinking that only because you are online you are doing your job. Behaving like you are unique and no one can touch you, also flaming other staff, like Maher and me and even saying we are just "mod" which makes that you think that you are better than us. BUT YOU ARE WRONG. And when you do something IS ONLY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, such a thing that just could have come up from a Dictator. 
    You have been warned before, and that thing that just happened there was abusive.
    Better @Cena get you demoted, otherwise I'll go for @Ywa
  23. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from r0cK in Admin abuse   
    Since when someone is not able to /lol at somebody? and that is definitely not a reason for 7 days of ban. Not even a mute.
    Just because you are administrator that doesn't make you with more rights than other players. You just think you are a dictator.
    And banning Zeus as well? You ain't the owner of this server to ban whoever and whenever you want just because someone is laughing. How cool would that be, you don't like that someone who is laughing and you ban him. And don't come to tell me he is provoking because laughing is not a reason to do so.
    I'm sick of your administration, you are always lazy, thinking that only because you are online you are doing your job. Behaving like you are unique and no one can touch you, also flaming other staff, like Maher and me and even saying we are just "mod" which makes that you think that you are better than us. BUT YOU ARE WRONG. And when you do something IS ONLY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, such a thing that just could have come up from a Dictator. 
    You have been warned before, and that thing that just happened there was abusive.
    Better @Cena get you demoted, otherwise I'll go for @Ywa
  24. Like
    waspy. got a reaction from Maher in Admin abuse   
    Since when someone is not able to /lol at somebody? and that is definitely not a reason for 7 days of ban. Not even a mute.
    Just because you are administrator that doesn't make you with more rights than other players. You just think you are a dictator.
    And banning Zeus as well? You ain't the owner of this server to ban whoever and whenever you want just because someone is laughing. How cool would that be, you don't like that someone who is laughing and you ban him. And don't come to tell me he is provoking because laughing is not a reason to do so.
    I'm sick of your administration, you are always lazy, thinking that only because you are online you are doing your job. Behaving like you are unique and no one can touch you, also flaming other staff, like Maher and me and even saying we are just "mod" which makes that you think that you are better than us. BUT YOU ARE WRONG. And when you do something IS ONLY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, such a thing that just could have come up from a Dictator. 
    You have been warned before, and that thing that just happened there was abusive.
    Better @Cena get you demoted, otherwise I'll go for @Ywa
  25. Upvote
    waspy. got a reaction from sweetsandy in Admin abuse   
    Since when someone is not able to /lol at somebody? and that is definitely not a reason for 7 days of ban. Not even a mute.
    Just because you are administrator that doesn't make you with more rights than other players. You just think you are a dictator.
    And banning Zeus as well? You ain't the owner of this server to ban whoever and whenever you want just because someone is laughing. How cool would that be, you don't like that someone who is laughing and you ban him. And don't come to tell me he is provoking because laughing is not a reason to do so.
    I'm sick of your administration, you are always lazy, thinking that only because you are online you are doing your job. Behaving like you are unique and no one can touch you, also flaming other staff, like Maher and me and even saying we are just "mod" which makes that you think that you are better than us. BUT YOU ARE WRONG. And when you do something IS ONLY TO DEFEND YOURSELF, such a thing that just could have come up from a Dictator. 
    You have been warned before, and that thing that just happened there was abusive.
    Better @Cena get you demoted, otherwise I'll go for @Ywa
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