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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by r0cK

  1. Hello


    This evening I would like to report an admin named Stig. Stig was active on the server so I reported a player towards him directly through Steam and he denied to help me.



    [ vl ] r0cK: yo mute zzSHANKSzz constant insults
    Stig: yes i muted him why ?
    [ vl ] r0cK: U sure u muted him? He was insulting me and maina like 5 mins ago
    [ vl ] r0cK: Check discord
    Stig: oh no i dont mute him
    Stig: that was other one
    [ vl ] r0cK: aha
    [ vl ] r0cK: ^^
    Stig: if he insult he must be muted
    [ vl ] r0cK: So can you mute him? Because I will be admin in September and I can not mute
    Stig: proof ?

    zzSHANKSzz: تروحي معايا ماينا نيكك
    zzSHANKSzz: لول
    zzSHANKSzz: بنروح شي محل قريب
    CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;)
    LoS|Maina: so u think im girl ?
    zzSHANKSzz: no ithink ur gay
    zzSHANKSzz: ∗maina∗
    zzSHANKSzz: gay name
    LoS|Maina: i can make troubles for u little new player
    zzSHANKSzz: mk it
     Map '[DD] Daisy Duke' started
     KoM|Chickenbutt has joined
    Cynax: ∗shanks∗ gay name
    zzSHANKSzz: and smd plz
    LoS|Maina: why womens cant drive in SA ?
    LoS|Maina: just want to know ?
    Dobosz: guys be family frriendly
    zzSHANKSzz: so she cant get rapped like u
     Guest1502997483 has left [Quit]
    LoS|Maina: yaw nehekmek ya tahan
    LoS|Maina: keyboard warrior
     KoM|Stig has left [Timed out]
    LoS|Maina: i feel sry for u
    zzSHANKSzz: ∗keyboard warrior∗
    zzSHANKSzz: gay bitch
    zzSHANKSzz: lol
     TwiXe has left [Quit]
    Dobosz: guys stop
    LoS|Maina: i think guys like this one who make terrotists exist
    zzSHANKSzz: Dobsoz u can ride my dick to
    Dobosz: your agrue is ussles
    Script78rus: duel?
    LoS|Maina: he insult u and he dont even knew who u are
    Dobosz: looooooool
    zzSHANKSzz: ∗terrotists∗
    Dobosz: ok i can where and when?
     Cynax has left [Quit]
    zzSHANKSzz: learn how to speak english
    zzSHANKSzz: then talk
     Map '[DD] Daisy Duke' started
    Dobosz: lal
    LoS|Maina: rock do somthing plz ,
    KoM|r0cK: Maina I am removed from the admin team
     CnT|:BYEBYE has left [Quit]
    zzSHANKSzz: bcz ur gay rock
    KoM|r0cK: ok :P
    KoM|r0cK: brb
    KoM|r0cK: going to try smth
    zzSHANKSzz: u like to do somthing good for girls to get noticed
    CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;)
    zzSHANKSzz: bcz ur shit in real life
     KoM|r0cK has left [Quit]
    LoS|Maina: he just joined few days ago and start insulting everyone for no reason
    zzSHANKSzz: hts why u removed
     NG|Slanik has joined
     KoM|r0cK has joined
     CnT|:BYEBYE has joined
     Map '[RTF]Antidepressant' started
    LoS|Maina: i will make fat report for him , and i hope mad deal with it :D
    CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;)
     CuddlyOtter47 has left [Quit]
    zzSHANKSzz: rock sounds mad
     ∗GBN∗virus.exe has joined
     KoM|neo has joined
     Dobosz has left [Quit]
     AjarCloudburst25 has left [Quit]

    Mr. GreenBOT-vandaag om 21:00

    zzSHANKSzz: goo steam
    ∗GBN∗Piedade: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡; )
     CK|Ste@m finished as 1st
    CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;)
    CnT|<M-JerrY>: 2
    Map '[NTS] LoWis v4' started
    CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;)
     DisgustingDog74 has left [Quit]
    CK|Ste@m: ( ͠; ͟ʖ ͡;)
    KoM|r0cK: stig is coming
    KoM|r0cK: ask him ok

    Mr. GreenBOT-vandaag om 21:02

     FaP|AssNtitties has joined
     KoM|Stig has joined
    FaP|AssNtitties: i need to join fap
    KoM|Stig: back
    KoM|Stig: hey r0cky

    Stig: wow dont post it here post it in fourms
    [ vl ] r0cK: Stig...
    Stig: im not the only admin
    Stig: tafk
    Stig: afk
    [ vl ] r0cK: I'm reporting to you directly
    [ vl ] r0cK: please do something
    [ vl ] r0cK: mute him or you will be reported
    Stig: go report
    [ vl ] r0cK: Okay sure because your not doing your job
    Stig: i will remove you from Steam sorry
    Stig is now Offline.

  2. 1 hour ago, MADKILLER said:

    Next time he insults I will ban him for a week then hopefully they will learn from that

    30 days mute even more suitable in my opinion

  3. 19 hours ago, NITROX said:
    20 hours ago, NITROX said:

    I gathered some ideas from the mix players and here's some of them...

    DD - Vote

    1º - Be BIG NX - A player random will spawn a big vehicle like Dune, Dozer, Bus, Dumper, Roadtrain, etc.

    2º - That the weak get strong NX - A player random will have the strongest car in the battle, for example, if it is using a Manana or a Forklift, or some other weak car, your car will have the strength of a Dumper or a Dune, for just a few seconds (15 or 20 seconds)

    3º Alone in the world NX - A player random be alone on the map for a few seconds (as it happens in RTF maps when if press "C")

    4º Lives in half NX - All live players have their life reduced to 50%

    5º Upside down NX - The game will be upside down for all players for a few seconds (no one's going to fall off the map by being upside down, only the image will be flipped)

    Huge LIKE for this, I like all of them!

  4. 1 hour ago, clec33 said:

    You can mute me for 1 month if you don't trust me, but when I make a promise I always respect it.

    I just mean, you were warned by Yoshi two months ago and you already got banned again.

  5. Dear Yoshi

    It's sad to read your leaving the position as a manager. I hope in the near future your eventually willing to return to manage mrgreen with another manager at your side to loosen the pressure a bit. One to focus on race and one to focus on mix.

  6. 3 hours ago, MADKILLER said:

    Clec take some advice have a few weeks away then come back and do a fresh appeal yoshi is a nice guy as long as you don't wind him up you be fine

    I agree with Madkiller, Yoshi is a nice dutch guy. I'm sure he will unban you within ''one week'' maybe?  @BlueYoshi97:P

  7. On 8/6/2017 at 0:05 PM, clement1012 said:

    "Fuck france" is not racist?

    France is a country so if I say fuck france I say fuck the country. 

    If he said fuck the french then he insulted the people and it could be seen as an insult towards you. 

    Yoshi is not the kind of person to be a racist at all. Maybe you over reacted on this. 

    Sometimes it's better to just ignore what people say. 

    Although I do not agree with a week ban. But I am not the one who decided to ban anyway as there is /mute and discordmute. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Quad_Tube said:

    Humble 'Saint's Row' Bundle. Valid until 8th August.



    The cheapest version of the bundle includes all the following (prices in brackets represent the regular price):

    . Deadlight Directors Cut (£8.99) http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/423950/

    . Homefront (£14.99) http://store.steampowered.com/app/55100/Homefront/

    . Risen 3 Titan Lords Complete (£14.99) http://store.steampowered.com/sub/67167/

    . Saints Row 2 (£9.99) http://store.steampowered.com/app/9480/Saints_Row_2/

    Around £49 worth of games for a minimum price of £0.76/$1 U.S.

    Great share, thankyou

  9. @BoyKa I am deeply disappointed in you. I've seen these screenshots too and what you've said is really sick. You are a young man, starting to grow up to be a mature creature in this hell of a world. 


    In today's life we can absolutely not tolerate these threats to a vulnerable player. The player in question felt very threatened and therefore you spilled your last chance. 


    Paul it's time to grow up now and think about your sick thougts. This time you crossed the line. 

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