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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathematic

  1. The time has come. Flash FM and Emotion ftw.
  2. Access got denied when I wanted to try Zunz his mine carts.
  3. I'd like to get married to Ywa, take all his money, and go to GTA Vice City while listening to Hall and Oates.
  4. I watched it yesterday, and once again some Nazi's.
  5. The texture pack is more child-friendly. But it's awesome and I installed it.
  6. I don't know any virgins, or virginity.
  7. Hai thar. Someone is making funny signs about Ywa his virgin. And some creepers ruined it.
  8. My entry was serious indeed, why would I work hard on something unserious? That'd be waste of my time.
  9. We could also do Cubans versus Haitians. Anyway: that's also a nice idea, although a Colosseum (although it's done dozens times already) would be the best.
  10. I asked around about the whole Gladiator fights idea, and people seem to like it. My plan was to remake the Colosseum, but if someone else has a nice idea (what's nice to look at) then we might change plans. Materials won't be a problem since I'll do my best to supply the rest of the building-team with cobble stone (the biggest part will be made out of that). Still have some questions though: we don't have to connect it, do we? Is it possible to build it on the ice, opposite of the structure? We also need some rules for the Gladiator fights themselves, but let's build the building first, before we start thinking about that.
  11. Name from the texture pack please.
  12. I'm going to make the Colosseum if I got some homies to help me building it + if we got the permission. Also we'll need admins to make certain rules about the killing, and the fighting itself (what equipment, and what happens when you die). And of course it'd be awesome if you could make a an area pvp, and not the rest. So you can't be killed outside the Colosseum.
  13. It's nice, but it still needs something interactive, like the changing text at the default loading screen. Then it'd be perfect in my idea.
  14. Basically they all suck. I like Mathematic's style. But the outcome is pretty shit, because GMod isn't Minecraft. I made it like Mayco / Ywa's avatar, because I like the style too. And I know the outcome became shitty, but that's just because of the lack of screenshots and other usable material.
  15. I don't care whose wall it is. I gave away my room, and I'm moving to the other side, so I won't ever see that huge wall again.
  16. I leave that wall, because it's now all yours + I don't have the stuff, because Teun went on a killing spree. He killed Odi and me and took your stuff.
  17. Sounds like a good plan to me. You sure can have the sand building, and do whatever you want with it. I'll start over at the other side (near Odi).
  18. I actually put effort in it, but if you don't like it (I don't see how it's related to Zombie Survival either), then you simply choose Pufulet's his. And if you actually want something else, I need screenshots.
  19. Why would I get banned? After Clavus explained me the concept, I did nothing but following the rules (connecting everything, like the sample pictures he gave).
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