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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by KamilDragan

  1. Oh come on, it's not blocking but ramming - it's tolerated by server rules. Blocking is when somebody stops in the middle of the race and blocks the race line.
  2. Yep, ffs too
  3. Today I tried to tell mad about sth on mix chat. You banned me in the middle so I simply changed IP and finished it.
  4. Besweeet, I don't think I'm doing more trouble than before. I used to play around with nicknames and I've never had ban before(except for xpro, but there I probably gone a bit too far).
  5. No big backstory. I changed nickname to F1PAKIFAT! for less than a minute. Madkiller saw it and banned me for 3 days; I feel like it is too long ban for this; I'd be fine with ~24 hours.
  6. Good luck, you'll need it
  7. Hi, Today I'm uploading new race map - Countryside roads. It's ~2m quickie between SF mast and LS camp. There are too many maps with sport cars so here Willard is racecar. I hope you'll enjoy it race-countryside-roads.zip
  8. Hi, Yesterday (28.11.15) I was unfairly marked by xpr0x as blocker. I got collisionless mode + very high ping so when I got bus, I stopped racing and simply parked across the road to wait until network would get better. While other players just passed through me, xpr0 stopped right next to me for like 10 seconds and marked me as a blocker. Later one of staff members unmarked me. End of story? Nope. Today (29.11.15) xprox remarked me, this time for 2 days. I also had idea to just see whether xpr0x had any unlocked nicknames which looks like his. It quickly evolved to switching nicknames to similar to him, but then it just became loosely connected abbreviation. Maybe when xpr0x muted me (2 days), nickname could be similar, but when xpr0x banned me for nickname, it was far away from being close ([Green]xpr0xlegendx - [lol]fapxbananass). I didn't take any screenshots of me being marked as blocker, but xpr0x has a video which if isn't edited or too short, should show all the situation. But I have a few screenshots of me talking to xpr0x and trying to explain him what was the matter. Serial - 58169C2610BC3FBC29705C8CCB23B8A1
  9. Good luck,Megaz
  11. Did you set amazing top? Or maybe you put a lot of effort to get one achievement? Or maybe something else? Tell about it I'm in that group of unfortunate(?) people who joined after March. So according to the stats, I joined race server today . All old tops, achievements and stats are gone. However, I didn't lost progress on mix server.
  12. According to the stats, I joined today. I have 0 achievements and it's not really a problem. You can get it again
  13. Looks like it's just from March.
  14. Cheetah granny edition with extra mirror
  15. Heil tuco and good luck! You'll need to be veeeeery lucky...
  16. Good luck jededo
  17. Cena, techincally arabian drift is just a powerslide. It's not a drift.
  18. versus Decide which is better and post your opinions
  19. CarGame mode is definitely good thing, but only on big maps. On smaller one, like SH-Village, this mode cause huge mess and it's more of luck than skills to win this map. On the other hand the barriers outside the map don't matter at all so maps which were deleted because of escape may be brought again in CG mode only. I think the mapmakers should have the possibility to choose whether they want to use classic, CG or both modes in their maps. This feature will allow to make more interesting maps, for example huge CG shooter where there will be enough space for everyone. If 8 players can fight freely on the map in 1/4 city size, so why 40 players couldn't do the same in the whole city territory? And it would definitely work as while in normal SH people try to avoid the fight to increase their chance to survive, in CG they behave opposite to get desired 10 kills.
  20. It's the closest photo to reality (thank you, bad camera).
  21. Yes, I changed nicknames, but I didn't insult anybody with them. For example in bes case, the first thing which I've done was telling him to lock his nickname. After an hour I started to change it mainly to see did he lock it already. That happened maybe once per hour, maybe more rare. I didn't tell words like this "quoted" by Skyblue. And if there were any swears, they were just on that the bes still didn't fix the problem. And if I switch the nicknames for fun, I make it to look still different than original one. for example switching the nickname to cyrilic or just parodying them (e.g. KR|be6TH!x6) I have also created quite a lot of my own nicknames to switch to. I think experimenting with nicknames itself isn't bad thing, still I wouldn't fake other people's nicknames just to discredit them. It's not my league.
  22. I'M ON THE TOP!
  23. I think I broke my computer
  24. Ma nigga lettering is blowing up RedBlack
  25. GET THE HELL INSIDE M... oh wait One of them have to travel in the trunk And armageddon left by yoshi's map... 20(!) people timed out
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