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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Proven fact: Majority of Left4Green can't read.

    Proven fact2: Mayco is pretty much only one here who actually can argue.

    Request: Stop stuffing your science in my mouth. I belive what I belive.

    In other words, I will continue talking about this stuff with Mayco if he wants to. (even when we already did yesterday)

    And possibly Ywa.

  2. Mayco my friend, thats the difference between Christians and Atheists.

    You need proof. And we don't.

    The way evolution is explained at this moment is just way too unlikely for me to belive.

    In unrelated news, ever thought that your itsy bitsy big bang actually is the god?

    I mean, you say it just came, and you say it creates stuff.

  3. About the Big Bang stuff; Imagine a shitload of energy (so much energy, if the whole universe entered it, it would disappear), all clogged up in one little spot. Then some tiny tiny part of that gianormous energy ammount got corrupted, which resulted in a expolicious explosion, AKA, Big Bang. When all that energy got separated, slowly matter started to form.

    The universe itself is enough evidence to proove that something like Big Bang actually happened!

    Where did that energy come from?

    How is the universe itself proof of big bang? I think it's proof of God.

    Please explain.


  4. Why doesn't it mean that it ment like that? It says it clearly that it went like that, and the church and school teach it like that too. I like to believe it happened exactly like the bible says. And I believe in big bang theories too.

    Because "Ei vara venettä kaada" doesn't mean what it says literally.

    You know what I mean.

    Who ever wrot the bible was a damn good story writer.

    Christianity- lets face it- was a way to gain power and land in the middle ages. People were raping and killing left, right and centre... Someone had to stop the madness.

    Thats how christianity came about, there is nothing more that scares humans than a fear of death and the unknown. The bible answered that question: You go to heaven IF you abide by OUR rules, you get tortured if you DON'T.

    Bible wasn't written in the middle age you dumbshit.

    Also, you don't go to heaven if you are sinless, because everyone does sins.

    Thats why Jesus died for our sins and became awesome, now we just need to regret our sins.


    Do I absolutely have to explain this in every post I make in this topic?








    As in, if it says 6 days in the bible, it doesn't mean that it actually went like that.

    You have to be mentally distracted to think there was man and female out of nowhere in a paradise but then ate apples that snake gave them and got banished.

    Also, it doesn't say in bible that god is bearded man, that is a picture created by human mind.

    Mayco, we got the bible, big amount of people who belive in it.

    No, we ain't got anything science magazines approve.

    About big bang, how does huge explosion out of nowhere expand universe?

    As far as I know, explosions don't come from nowhere, and they destroy stuff.

  6. This feels right.

    I bet in the campaign they will recognize eachother from the pre-zomb apoc, like this:

    Coach: "Nephew!" Louis: "Wha- Uncle Phil!"

    Ellis: "I ever tell you about the time I met this biker who said he needed some money for beer, then he showed this cool trick with a knife and I just couldn't not give him some money for that kind of talent, and-" Francis: "Ellis sweetie, can this wait?"

    Bill: "Aren't you that soulless hooker from 14th street?" Rochelle: :( Zoey: "Groovy." Nick: [Hearty Laugh]

    Also, I'm REALLY hoping for more beta like survivors, they have been there for quite some time now.

  7. Give your thread more describle title.

    There are tons of funny movies around the internet, and even more videos that someone finds funny.

    You could have just put the name of the video as the title.

    Also the videos are old.

    We could use those facepunch post rating down here.

    clock.png Late x 1

    Thanks baby.

  8. Give your thread more describle title.

    There are tons of funny movies around the internet, and even more videos that someone finds funny.

    You could have just put the name of the video as the title.

    Also the videos are old.

    We could use those facepunch post rating down here.

  9. 36 profile views :D, guys get a GF :D

    My hand does her job perfectly and there is nothing you can say about it.

    As for admin apps, I wouldn't suggest on making one right away after joining, makes you look impatient.

  10. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala.

    Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov.

    But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick.

    Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared.

    He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by.

    So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on his nipples and shot Gloompf the zombie into oblivion, while EmRA was eating his cake something epic like the fastest batmobil raped his ass.

    Then the Godzilla started giving her parts of the batmobil but the stupid spiderman didnt want that to go to Candy Mountain with the batboat because she wanted to sleep with Herman the lazy, friend of the batman with a little extra.

    After that she didn't use her pyjamas. Batman wanted the demoman to go home with his mom. The Demoman wanted to fuck off.

    Then Superman appeared and vanished away.

    Another day began after all this in the M.o.N*, but this time Cow-Orker Jim saw something that would kill you if you bumped old threads.

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