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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. 1. Botervloot - Remember to bring the car!

    2. Ramirez - His health regenerates and listens to orders.

    3. Jesus - No need to explain this.

    4. Donald Duck - Dangerous when pissed off.

    5. Young Scrooge McDuck - Even more dangerous when pissed off.

  2. -32? Thats even colder that down here. Or I don't know, haven't been outside for a week.

    Good pictures, actually made me want to go skiing for a sec.

    Yea, -32 on open areas because the wind.

    Does the thermometer say -32 degrees, or does it feel like -32 because of the wind-chill effect?

    We are the though winter guys, not you. Go back to your oil rig.

  3. Whatever here is some picture of it in Gmod


    I can barely see the model in that screenshot.

    ..Unless that granpa is a flashlight.

    Also, add dedicated servers to your models so people will like them

    Just scroll up to see the renders instead

    Renders are not ingames. I want ingames.

  4. what are you feeding your ducks o.0 cubes and spies? you're training them aren't you, to attack boters fortress

    my birds have extensive training in ducktural arts

    Boter and I are old allies. The jeep with base made out of tf2 rocks shall rise again!

    My true plans are yet to be revealed...

  5. He's trying to pick his nose with two fingers, but forgot he had a mask on?

    [img ]lawl[ img]

    Is he telling you you are dead?

    Is he thinking?

    Has he found magical button in his gun he is about to try?

    Only God knows.. And me cuz I belive in him downs.gif

    bent barrel bro

    Aren't mainstream as far as I know.

  6. Why is everything in the past better?

    Everything is so generic and ripped-off. I rarely see something new.

    It's just that some games leave a deeper impression in you when you're younger. Super Mario Galaxy is the Super Mario 64 for today's kids, so to say.

    Also, games of today don't have as much replay value.

  7. Super Mario 64.

    It got me into gaming, it taught me my first words in english, music is awesome, replayability is epic, and shit it was exiting when I was kid.

    I will never forget this tune. <3


    Other good choise would be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarine of Time.

    Even when I never really beat it myself (watched my brother do it, then copied his saves so I could enjoy the new equipment), I enjoyed every drop of juice out of it.

    I can't really explain it without telling everything I did in the game, it was just amazing.

    ..However, the best game of all time isn't here yet. Atleast, we can hope so.

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