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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by EmRA

  1. Happy birthday Axon!

    I hope someone gets to enjoy a stickybomb ride from you today :pipe:

    :o, he should get wasted for his birthday not play team fortress

    anyway happy b day

    I don't think you understood me there boeh.

    Also fix'd your smiley to less fag one. :)

  2. If the GC's will arrive to CSS, am I able to use them in CSS or just in other servers?

    Because it would be bad if CSS servers would turn into those RPG/WC3 servers. But on the other hand, I cant figure out anything else than those WC3/RPG powers in CSS that could be used as buyable(right word) items.

    Name colors, more ammo and so on.

  3. Nice map nugget!

    You should make the other cliff more cliffish too, and possibly think about changing or removing the tree, it doesn't look that fitting in that kind of landscape. (atleast, the picture I got from it was that it's at some high mountain kind of place.

    Oh, and if you can, don't use the same texture too much, it makes the map look somewhat weird imo.

    But then again, I'm not the one to say as I don't know much about mapping.

  4. That fits your name, but I think I'm too used to your norway flag to like it D:

    Can't help you with mapping, but if you BY ANY CHANSE happen to get interested in posing, I'm glad to help.

    What do I have in works? Going to first prestige in MW2 :U

  5. Ywa boeh, did you even read what I wrote there?

    Just because I am christian doesn't mean I blindly follow the bible.

    I partially belive in evolution. Some stuff in it are pretty obvious, yet some of it is just biggest bullcrap I've ever heard.

    You. Aren't. Supposed. To. Read. Bible. Just. Like. It. Says.

    It's requires thinking. Creating the world in seven days might as well relate to millions of years of evolution.

  6. Also, atheism is not beliving in evolution theory.

    Atheism is not believing in god. Which results in a non-religious living.

    Pretty sure you got me wrong there.

    I meant that beliving in evolution theory and atheism are two different things.

    Oh and, just so you all know, I wasn't born christian.

    I have officially been christian for just about half a year now (after confirmation camp).

    Even when I started beliving in this stuff few years ago, you could say I was atheist before.

  7. Not saying athiests can't be stupid and aggressive towards religious people, they're just as stupid.

    The theory of evolution isn't made for money. Athiests DON'T have churches or stuff like that, so it's not about the money. The Theory of Evolution has been around for a long time. It became better known in 1859, thanks to Darwin and "The Origin of Species".

    My opinion about the bible and religion in general (OPINION, NOT FACT): It was just used a long time ago to keep people "happy", to give them a "goal". And happy people pay not to burn in hell.

    There have been a lot of wars thanks to religion and money. I have yet to see a war that had "Athiesm" as a cause.

    I am an Athiest because I only believe facts that can be proven (e.g. by science, skulls they found etc). It just makes a lot more sense to me, because I have never SEEN or HEARD God. Ever.

    Also, I'm not a hard-core athiest that believes in the theory of evolution 100%. It just seems more likely to then any other religion.

    So if the religion accepects donations and stuff it is made for money?

    Also, atheism is not beliving in evolution theory. I never said atheism was made for money, I was talking about et. And neither do I belive et was made for money, because as I already have stated, everyone doesn't put money as the top priority.

    And at the start, did Jesus go around and make people pay to belive him? I don't think he did.

    Once again, I do not belive everything bible says, and I do not belive in hell (mainly because I find the idea stupid and haven't read any part in bible that talks about hell).

    There has been wars because of religion, yes. And I would say atheism fits to the religion category just as well, just because you have one less reason to kill doesn't mean you are people of peace.

    I also like facts to be proven. And neither have I seen or heard god. Yet, I just find it more simple to say "God did it." more than "Actually Charles Darwin says that big bang is caused by this and that, yet we still get to the same question "where did THAT come from?""

    Plus, why does 100% hardcore atheist belive in evolution? two different things.

  8. Note that I DO respect all believes, as long as it doesn't get rubbed in my face/the person that believes starts getting all aggresive towards Athiesm.

    That, my good sir, is the prodably one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    When I see people rage about religion, it's always the goddamn atheists.

    Also, I find it dumb to say bible was just made for money. They did not have evolution theories and that stuff back then, that was their explanation for creation of world.

    Or do you think evolution theory was made for money too? Or maybe, it was just healty curiosity?

    EDIT: oh jesus, more:

    If you can't take this, I'd like to know: How did YOUR God get created? Why is he floating around on a cloud right now, looking at all the misery and death in the world? Why isn't he doing anything? And WHY do you believe in your God? Did your parents tell you that? Did you actually choose for it yourself?

    God just is there. Just like superman has cool powers.

    Maybe he thinks its fun. I enjoy killing people on my computer screen, why wouldn't he?

    If I could create worlds and make them have wars, I would look at them with curiosity, and I wouldn't interrupt them.

    And yes, I did choose my religion myself. Mom and stepdad are both atheists.

  9. Oh jesus with you atheists.

    I belive in God and Jesus, plus science. Why?

    God is simple explanation for everything and it doesn't fuck with my brain.

    Jesus is just badass. More badass than Chuck Norris.

    Science is fun. Knowing little facts about life is fun.

    Also, I have never, EVER heard anyone say "because bible says so".

    I don't belive everything bible says, it's much like Donald Duck comics, stories about cool stuff that happened, but not necessarily real.

    Why hasn't god came and save us? Why the fuck should he? If I would have created the universe and see my creations fight with their creations, I would call my friends to watch it with me and get some snacks.

    Besides, one of the most popular things bible says is "God gave man free will", why would he take it away?

    Oh and, please tell me where it says in bible we are the only creatures in the universe.

    I too do belive in life in outer space.


    EDIT: Nobana, what kind of sick man would send babies to fight? would straigtly belive god created world in seven days? I take it that the seven days is the time of earth's evolution, but because God is supercool, it was just seven day's work for him. Now he is lolling at our silly oilwars while eating popcorn.

    EDIT2: Oh cool, it seems I am the only christian around here. So THATS the real reason I'm creative. Thanks Jesus, many thanks.

  10. Yes, it is designed for games, but that doesnt mean that people should rage if there are some spam topics :o Life is not that serious :| And some people need fun.

    It's fun to get feedback on your stuff, yet no one has commented pics I posted at 30 November, which happens to be in the GAMES SECTION.

    Fun, if you ask me, is not pointless spam, but some new ideas, or old good ones (such as Green Earth, it was fuckloads of fun while it lasted, and exiting at the same time. And prodably increased posing skills for people who don't pose that much in gmod)

    Also, as creative person's advice: Spam doesn't increase creativity. :pipe:

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