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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bert

  1. It's a great fractal background made in photoshop by this guy I've got about 20 and the background changes every 30 minutes. They are all very beautiful. Also the cactus is just a picture, although I wish it was an icon for a program. Because that program would most probably be AWESOME.
  2. Bert

    Virus Alert

    It was only a matter of time...
  3. I thought there was the super mario style jumping one?
  4. Bert

    Virus Alert

  5. Nostalgic 7/10
  6. 5/10
  7. Firstly, when has there not been regulars on KOTH? The KOTH server is about the only pub I ever play in and I'm certain I could round up a whole load of people who would want to keep the server. Sure maybe we don't have as many regulars as the PL server but it's a server worth keeping (it's rarely empty nowadays). One thing I think the server could probably do with is a set map cycle. People hate playing the same map twice and as there is no RTV option, make a cycle that never repeats maps and people will stay and play for longer. And am I the only one here who really doesn't like 32 player servers? It's gets very spammy (hence the lag) and it also gets hard for players to actually use skill rather than just spam choke points. I'd love the idea of the PL server being moved down to 24 players, as you say the game was optimized for that amount. Hell I'd probably become a regular on there too if you did Sorry for the long post, but I'd be devastated if you were to get rid of the KOTH Server...
  8. It's me! I can see the likeness! *Shifty eyes*
  9. It's not full size but I use it with friends quite often. And I think it's quite fair
  10. Nice room Heinix This isn't actually my bedroom, but I only really sleep up there and it would make for a very boring picture. This is where I spend most of my time. There's a snooker table and dart board (plus a Tour de France Map poster ) behind where I took the photo. Apologies for the mess, I'm a very untidy person.
  11. Wipeout <3 Disappointed in the lack of Crash team Racing though.
  12. Took what I thought was a cool picture of one of my cats in the awesome mid-week sunny weather. He's actually called Bert (Bertie, Bert for short) xD
  13. A few minuets ago on The l4g Koth server. The other team were beyond terrible and I had an awesome kritz medic EDIT: sorry about the shit poor quality, used an awful image file-type converter.
  14. Bert

    TF2 Jokes

    A thread to post any TF2 related jokes. Saw these two on a Youtube comment earlier today : Why did the spy cross the road? Because he was never really on your side. Why did the Heavy make it to the first control point before everyone else? Because he was Russian. Anybody got any more?
  15. 7/10 a good movie like you say, but quite repetitive.
  16. Eh not bad 6/10 This is a fave at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1lC3fUtMew
  17. I've only just seen this myself... and I was blown away. Absolutely brilliant editing and music choice. And the skating... he's made it an art form. Maybe he's come for Rodney Mullen's crown. He sure deserves it.
  18. 1/10 really not my thing :/ sorry man. Acoustic version of a brilliant song by a brilliant band:
  19. Horatio couldn't get any cooler...
  20. Facebook groups: being pointless since.... wait, they've always been pointless -____-
  21. You are the coolest guy ever. Ill second that.
  22. It's to do with the Mayan calendar inst it? Something to do with the calendar going all the way up to December, then stopping. People think they've predicted the end of the world. Silly predictions like this are not for me.
  23. 5/10 never been a Bon Jovi fan... This one takes a few listens but is absolutely beautiful. also, lolz at the final countdown.
  24. This was from about 30 mins ago on the KOTH server. Thanks for standing still... WANKERS. EDIT: just realised this is after the whole server left at the end. The teams were fairly balanced throughout the whole game even if it doest look like it here.
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