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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bert

  1. A little project I worked on today. I've previously had no experience using Sony Vegas or Fraps so I'm quite proud of what I've achieved. Hope you all like it. Also thanks to MiF for helping me get it all set up and checking over the video for me.
  2. Bert


    You can keep it irl and I'll have it on here, deal?

  3. Wow that's very cool. Great find!
  4. Thought I'd post my newest background due to all the minecraft spam at them moment. Image link
  5. Haha cheers Grasshopper. <3 you too. And pretty nice skin you've got there. Am I the only one here who thinks that Multi player survival would suck with any more than about 5 people? With more people it's harder to work together,more people will go off doing their own thing, and as Clavus has pointed out there's more room for people to be idiots in a larger server. Thus ruining it for the rest of us who want to play the game properly. Just a thought.
  6. The light house is pretty epic aswell.
  7. Hmmmm *scratches chin* I'm going to assume that it's me Love you too Peon <3
  8. see now I'm confused. Which Bert? D:
  9. I love Axon for having a cool name IRL.
  10. Most organised award still goes to Clavus though. That mine is pretty insane. I might try making a video later on but not sure yet.
  11. Nice organised mine you've got there MiF. Multiplayer's going to be god dam sweet.
  12. I started playing this today. It's extremely addictive, I actually cant stop playing it. I advise anyone who hasn't played it try it out (including you Ywa )
  13. My friend has been playing this for the past few days solidly. He's addicted, will defiantly have to try this out.
  14. Mogwai are brilliant. 10/10 Had the fortunate pleasure of meeting this man last year at a festival, one of the nicest Swedish guys I have ever met Also a beautiful song.
  15. Maybe your resolution isn't set correctly. Never heard of "1680x1040" either. Sorry I meant 1680x1050. And it's set to that on my PC, It's just when I print screen it pastes as 1024x640
  16. Google L4G Twitter ailybooth Facebook Daytrotter (brilliant music website) Uncut (UK music magazine) Lookbook.nu Collegehumour youtube Hotmail Ultimateguitar TF2 blog Ebay Amazingsuperpowers Cyanideandhappiness Gizmodo Kotaku That's my most regularly visited.
  17. Another brilliant fractal background from Blatte's Backgrounds . EDIT: Does anyone know why my print screen pics are in a different resolution to my normal one? My native resolution is 1680x1040.
  18. Haha Sneed, your sig penguin is always dancing along to all your songs. 7/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOzphMgOETA
  19. Haha 8/10 for making me laugh. Your sig penguin was even dancing along.
  20. Bert

    Post Your axe's!

    Yes, yet another "post your..." topic. Post pics/names of your guitar(s) (and amps if you want). My guitars: Recording king electro-acoustic, Only pic I have of it sorry: And a Peerless Semi-acoustic (not my own picture) I also have a Line6 spider vavle amp (112) So post your axe's everyone!
  21. Incoming influx of orangebox replies. So yeah best is probably orangebox, Bf2 (not BC2 as Nobana said earlier )or UT2004. Not sure about worst. Maybe the Borderlands Dlcontent simply because I haven't got round to playing them yet
  22. Awesome posing. I look forward to some sweet alien attack action poses One thing though, is that guy in the back carrying a boltergun? Swear that's the imperial winged logo...
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