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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Quite cool 7/10. A friend recently lent me a load of Rap/Hip-hop CDs, Loving A Tribe Called Quest at the moment.
  2. Bert


    I'm literally just eating one of the best BLTs I've ever made. Incoming poor quality phone picture. http://plixi.com/p/52997288
  3. 7/10 not bad, always gets overplayed at parties though...
  4. Finally back home from holiday (cue fanfares, whoops and cheers). Hopefully we can organise some more ladder matches/friendlys? I haven't even played with the team yet
  5. 6/10 not bad. Good game aswell. I know whoever rates this probably wont like it, but to me, this is pure, honest, brilliant music.
  6. Bert

    Ohaithar :3

  7. Axon is not the best

  8. Yeah sorry, Ill be back 10 days after sunday (whenever that is) Before the actual tournament starts. Stupid holidays...
  9. Excuse me sirs, but I'll think you'll find my operating system is far superior. MSdos.
  10. I remember not knowing about that and having a friend say "pray for some dynamite", then from the sky fell about 50 blocks of dynamite. I was a happy Bert.
  11. Wow, I might have to come back into the server for a bit. Looks a helluva lot more organised than last time, great job guys. Also I love the cactaur statue.
  12. Really not my thing sorry 2/10
  13. Bert

    I see you're regularly checking my profile to make sure the status is still there. It is.

  14. Oh right, sorry didn't see that there Silly me.
  15. Would somebody be able to post a list of exactly who is playing and what class they are? (and backups) Me and Sepp are confused as to who is playing what. Thanks.
  16. 10/10 An expansion of one of the greatest games of all time (TF2 pretend you didn't hear that).
  17. I'm pretty sure you don't really need to read what it says. Just click nextnextnext etc. then you'll see the familiar paypal screen.
  18. I think a second team is a good idea, there seems to be enough interest in it. Plus it means I get to play scout
  19. There seems to be alot of hate towards competitive play here at the moment. I have played a few lobby 6v6s with Sepp (regular KOTH server player) which I found to be great fun and alot more relaxed then I thought it would be. I had my doubts at first, but it offers a whole new way of playing Tf2. I'm defiantly up for playing in a L4G team.
  20. 5/10 Click on the "insert media" button at the top of the reply box and copy the URL to show your video.
  21. Bert

    You drive a hard bargain sir, how about I just put "Axon is the best" as my status on my profile. Will that suffice?

  22. Finally got round to making my own custom skin. http://www.minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=Dougtrio
  23. Glad to see I might of turned a few of you round and thanks for the comment Clavus. It's funny you should mention creepers, I was going to put in a scene with one but they are quite tricky to catch on film
  24. I could always Link you to *cough* my *cough* I mean the websites Paypal account?
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