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Mr. Green Gaming


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Pizdy last won the day on February 7 2021

Pizdy had the most liked content!

About Pizdy

  • Birthday 05/17/1998

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  1. Thank you for removing my ban. Still cannot connect tho, have any advice on this one ?
  2. Here its written that i am unbanned but i still cannot connect to play.
  3. Your in-game name - Last used: FilipaicbbdaunasxDDDDD. Normally playing as Pizdy Date of your ban - long time ago probably in 2019 What game/server are you banned from - Mrgreen Race and mix in MTA Who banned you (only if you know who) - Sandro if i am not mistaken Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) - Insulting, we were just joking with guy who is from the same country as me Reason why we should unban you - want to play with friends, have fun, relax, learned my lesson about insulting other players. Post your SteamID if you're banned on a Source-based game (Minecraft and MTA are excluded)! If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial) - * Your serial is: 451797CE6355123BCC9A01731D10FD51
  4. Pizdy

    Unban req

    Your in-game name - FilipaicbbdaunasxDDDDD (last nickname changed) Date of your ban - long time ago maybe 2019 cant remember What game/server are you banned from - MTA Mr.Green all servers Who banned you - (only if you know who) Sandro if i am not mistaken Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) - insulting (it was just folling around together with person from same country as me) Reason why we should unban you - Wanna play together with my friends in the evening Post your SteamID if you're banned on a Source-based game (Minecraft and MTA are excluded)! - If banned on MTA, post your MTA serial, (start MTA -> press F8 -> type serial) - nr.: 451797CE6355123BCC9A01731D10FD51 (it was ip and device ban, however i cannot connect from different device using internet while sharing it from my mobile phone so idk wth :D
  5. Please unban i have a permament ban for a weak reason, cannot log in for about 4months, thx.
  6. Pizdy


    The first two messages were written in common form, not directly to him, I wrote, "can u hear me gay", and, "what are the person which has down syndrome, doing?" So he caught him self on my hook, it wasnt ment directly to him. I didnt knew that he has these issues which he just admitted with those screeshots tho.
  7. Blocker
  8. Pizdy


    one more
  9. Pizdy


  10. Hi, could someone send invitation to the clan for me again because im in the list in the forum but idk why i have no badge in server. My nick is Tommy- now
  11. .
  12. In-game name: Pizdy Previous clans : [Ocn] Age: 18 Favorite Game Mode: NTS Server you play on the most: Mr Green Gaming Mix Were u banned in the past and why?: No How good is your english?: It's good What country are you from?: Lithuania Why do you want to join CnT: It looks like friendly and joking people in this clan, also it s a good team and i want to be a part of it
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