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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Hugo

  • Birthday 05/07/1995

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    Belarus, Brest

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  1. Hugo

    (Y)assine blocking

    Зачем знать разницу? Главное знать, что как человек ты - говно, а блокинг или рэмминг - это уже не так важно
  2. Hugo

    (Y)assine blocking

    Ты дурак?
  3. He blocked my way at the map until we were killed by hunter (~1 min or smth)
  4. i will try =) @Fimad, we aren't (you, me and even grander) at the age for learning or changing behaviour
  5. No, i'm not acting like that, sir. Just unban cool guy like me, because this morning ban was for nothing + excuse for mistake that you did in the name of Holy Prophet!
  6. "provocative names like 'Allah' and 'ProphetMuhammed'," no, they don't provocative. Player with nickname Jesus played, and nobody asked admins to ban him. REMOVE KEBAB is just meme, it doesn't offending anyone. If i will change nickname to PEPE THE FROG, it would mean dat i hate jews or what? "It is strange that you claim to agree with my decision to mute you. If you know that you were being too rude to players and that that is not allowed, then I don't understand why you just continue that behavior through your nickname." My nicknames didn't offend anyone, banning for nickname "Remove kebab" is nonsense for Green. By the way they were rude to me 2. UPD: u typed Muhammed with a mistake, cuz name of the Holy Prophet is MUHAMMAD! Yoshi, u insulted muslims just like Geert Wilders, are u hate muslims? Are u PVV supporteada?
  7. 1. Your ingame name Hugo 2. Date of your ban 26/11/17 ~11:10 (Moscow time) 3. What game/server are you banned from MTA Race 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Yoshi 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) I was muted 2 days ago for insulting players for 7 days, but i could play at Mr.Green (and i absolutely agreed with descision of admin). Today i played here too, but today at the morning i went to the kitchen to grab my tea and when i came back to computer i saw dat i was ban for reason "insulting". I dunno how i could insult some one when i was afk and muted. 6. Reason why we should unban you Because its some kind of dual punishment, i agree with my mute, but don't agree with ban for nothing. 7. MTA Serial 66D3E1C1268FCE29C42CCFFFB0F25C12
  8. I hope, that i won't forget about it
  9. Pure objectivity, lol Flipper, you should ask me 2, when you will decide about Megas's adminship. I won't fail you! p.s. DD © Bruno_Chlenson By the way, Megas really is active member of the server, but he is some kind of fancy
  10. Proposition: don't let players from Germany play at the Green server, because their phyhics are not enough good, like woozie's. He is insulting russophone players, because we speak russian in chat. Very important thing is that woozie never talk in game chat, he is only raging and russians, belarusians and ukrainians, who speak their native languages. There are a lot players from Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Hungary, the Netherlands, Argentina, Brasil + even country-bird Turkey who want to speak their native languages. And there playing 2-3 germans only, so why we must listen to that rage guy, they started WWI, WWII, refugee crisis in Europe. Don't let them manipulate you!
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