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Mr. Green Gaming


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(O)_(O) last won the day on July 27 2021

(O)_(O) had the most liked content!


About (O)_(O)

  • Birthday 12/14/1994

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  • Retired Badge
    Retired Admin

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  1. Love you jack, i hope you are ok ♥

  2. ojos muerto,porque no conecta miamor 😠

  3. 8.5/10
  4. Yoooo where is SDK, SDK maaaaaah madafuckin fellaa, i love y'all, MrGreen will be a part of my heart forever♥. I'm still alive. xoxoxoxox

    1. jack123


      malparido miamor no muerto jajaja

    2. jededo


      Hola ojos mi amor :3

    3. HeArTBeaT


      SDK is probably drooling over a dota server right about now

  5. Damn you are still around. Wow long time no see

  6. Si todo en el juego te va mas rapido, es por que tienes algo extraño instalado ya sea en el propio MTA o en el GTA San Andreas, recuerda si instalaste algo, si es así trata de buscarlo y desinstalalo, si no reinstala el GTA o MTA, y si sigue dando problemas debe de ser algo extraño de tu PC.
  7. Oh man, the year started great for me, but now i fckd my ears, i have tinnitus... some of you is suffering this problem around here? :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Knul


      I have tinnitus too, there aren't solution for it.. It's fucking annoying but I got used to it. I feel your pain bro :(

  8. Ufopia deleted.... im done with this server. #RespectOldSchoolMaps
  9. i have a niu girlfriend, so im very happy :D, please SDK dont be jealous,i still love you

  10. Why is everybody doing SPAM of their own servers? i dont fckng understand, what's going on?
  11. Man, you deserve a ban. 1. Insulting BinSlayer the father of mix server. 2. I am not included in your list.
  12. I'm also thinking of leaving the server... I dont really like the top times update, whats the point of playing here now? Every map you play you make a top time, it was fun trying to beat an old top time, now we cant do that...
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