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Mr. Green Gaming


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Nick_026 last won the day on January 25

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About Nick_026

  • Birthday May 27

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    The Netherlands


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  1. I have no authorization over Discord or Minecraft. It's Dubby's decision to unban you on Discord. You have no penalties on MTA. So you can play and talk about anything on MTA
  2. Due to changes in the Facebook and Google API it is no longer possible to use Google or Facebook to create an account or login. There are no plans to facilitate this problem since there's a lack of users using these services to login. Players that have used these services in the past and can't access their accounts can use the "Forget password" feature to request a password which is send to their emails. Besides this, a password is required to access your account from the game servers. Therefore there isn't really a point for using the Facebook or Google services to facilitate the user login experience.
  3. Nice, really helping yourself there. Why the hate against Z3ITM4NN though. He did nothing to you? Besides. If anyone killed the server it was me, I was the manager until the servers "died". Then I gave the honours to Z3ITM4NN
  4. Ciken banned you therefore. Mad and I don't have access to Minecraft. Ciken has to unban you if he wants to. But he hasn't read this yet
  5. Sadly not everything can be rainbows and butterflies. Every community has some negativity to it. It's the same in real life, especially when lots of people of different origins gather together.
  6. The population has declined massively compared to 8 years ago. But it makes sense. It's an old game with no new players coming in. However in some evenings there are roughly 10 players online. Which is considered a lot these days. Best you can do is ping people on Discord. We do the occasional events but these don't really help a lot sadly. Don't listen to Boyka. He's just salty as he usually his
  7. The population has declined massively compared to 8 years ago. But it makes sense. It's an old game with no new players coming in. However in some evenings there are roughly 10 players online. Which is considered a lot these days. Best you can do is ping people on Discord. We do the occasional events but these don't really help a lot sadly.
  8. Good to hear you're back. A small update about MTA. Over the last year the community has changed quite a bit. The population may have declined but the nice people have remained, especially in race. Some maps you've made weren't so good relatively to the other maps so they needed to be improved upon. I hope you can understand this. It would be fun to have you around again in mix and/or race. Hope to see you online one day
  9. Interesting, haven't seen this before. Since you're talking about a new PC make sure that: You have installed the latests GPU Drivers Installed a legal version of GTA San Andreas (pirated sometimes can cause issues) Restarted your PC since this issue appeared If any of these don't help go to `MTA San Andreas 1.6\mods\deathmatch\resources` and delete this entire folder. This will cause all server resources to be re-downloaded. If the issue still appears let me know.
  10. You can request your account to be deleted here: https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/settings/account-security/
  11. Nick_026

    Report Jaeger

    Don't act innocent CLOSED
  12. It is not possible to download your uploaded maps
  13. Nick_026

    Discord unban

    You have been unbanned from Discord
  14. The MIX gamemode cycle has been updated to: NTS -> SH -> DD -> RTF -> NTS -> SH -> DD
  15. Great idea, these kinds of cycles are also possible and highly appreciated. If you have similar idea's to this let me know With the current code base this is not possible, but it should be relatively easy to implement. I've added this option to the poll
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