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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. That makes no sense at all. But.....it does Agreed. Makes no sense. Quite immature and idiotic to say such a thing anyway, as most haters have never watched a race or have even been to one. But anyway, I've been wanting to make something like this for a while. Just haven't done it yet... Will come soon (by the end of the year, at least).
  2. It's perfect. Perfectly in the wrong spot . F7 is movable. /board should be too.
  3. Is there anyway to move the /board box around? Would be nice if it was in the spot as the old /board.
  4. Please lighten up a little bit. We're on a damn video game forum, not some professional shit.
  5. umm not that i play GTA or anything, but seriously how old are you? calling an map pack Wtf yo with stupid content, making the douche coaster and stupid names like that, and why would you even talk about boobies if its about maps. Grow up.. Excuse me, but how old are you? The grammar in your post gives it away, but I just wanted to make sure. You must remember that this is GRAND THEFT AUTO, an immature video game for christs sake. Grow up, and get with the program.
  6. This is the kind of shit I think of while trying to sleep. This (below), and boobies, of course. I have 3 maps that I plan on making: 1. Douche Coaster - Your average random besweeet coaster. 2. That One Coaster - Imagine Never The Same and a few coaster tracks. Will be the shizzle. Finished. 3. Intergalactic Coaster - Gonna try and use some custom space-themed coaster pieces. 4. Water Coaster - Some coaster pieces combined with the "drive on water" thing. 5. ...... Made a regular Infernus map out of NTS:CE, calling it "That One Coaster". Coming soon to this thread near you! And by "soon", I mean "probably in 3 weeks".
  7. Now pond can buy me some maps with his GC . jk of course. As simple as my coaster maps are, I'm surprised I finished second twice. I make the maps randomly.
  8. Dang... Runner up again. The next one shall be better.
  9. Duh, me! Posted while at some random ass restaurant in South Korea...
  10. When's NTS not a funny race to watch?
  11. Come on, don't be a lonely douche again. You're telling me that you haven't even looked at the latest update? The amount of barrels were decreased by a large margin. It'd be a fun race, one of which most people will enjoy and want to play two or three times in a row. It's more along the lines of a drag race to see who can get through the checkpoints on the bike the quickest. I don't see what's so idiotic about it. It's just a regular map just like everything else. This is why the administration is a bit poor here. Only one person to review and upload maps? That's not right. Just because one particular person dislikes a map doesn't mean that it shouldn't be uploaded. Let the community/players decide what gets in and what doesn't. Saying a concept of a map is idiotic is idiotic in and of itself. Why aren't you saying that to most of Yoshi's or Pachanga's maps? Most of them are fucking stupid and you goddamn know it.
  12. Enter Vegas Coaster . Very simple. Probably won't win.
  13. Woo! Bin's my hero . Lol jk. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe... What about those [old] updates?
  14. UPDATED ON 12/19/2011: Added Desert Domination 2 (13 maps total). UPDATED ON 3/21/2015: Added Speedbowl (3 Laps) My thread full of maps. 1st map: Fun Jump Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/6109-my-first-map-fun-jump/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=-MIGH9H1_A4)) and (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=LrwTlSe60Pk)) 2nd map: Awesome Coaster Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/6110-my-second-map-awesome-coaster/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=c5uY8R88ztg)) and (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=_mpAlFINR3Y)) 3rd map: Simple Coaster Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/6200-my-third-map-simple-coaster/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=LQv9t1QTWJY)) 4th map: Desert Domination Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/6267-my-fourth-mta-map-desert-domination/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=vT5i0YBW2B8)) 5th map: Underground Coaster Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/6435-my-fifth-map-underground-coaster/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=9ff5u9ztxoI)) 6th map: Cool Coaster Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/6770-my-sixth-map-cool-coaster/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=GM3CsZXQef0)) 7th map: Quick Coaster Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/7034-my-7th-map-quick-coaster/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=rvGrP6qH7Qs)) 8th map: WTF YO?! Original thread: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/7409-my-8th-map-wtf-yo/ (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=sLCa4cP2sEw)) 9th map: Vegas Coaster Started this one back in early December and haven't looked back at it until today! Finally finished. Yet another completely random coaster. Not as easy as the other ones. Chances are that you won't finish it fast until your second or third time around. The e-brake will be handy. Attached is Vegas Coaster. (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=OkxU26uMIRQ)) 10th map: Never The Same: Coaster Edition Started it today, and finished it today. A first for sweeety! Anyway, this is a small look at what happens when you combine the car changing stuff from Never The Same with some of my coaster stuff. A very easy map that a lot of people will like. An admin will find the .zip attached to my latest post. (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=Lv18ZLZ4K44)) 11th map: That One Coaster Decided to make a regular map out of NTS:CE (without the vehicle changing stuff). It's quite nice. Map is attached to this post. (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=CX_ToCLo8Io)) 12th map: Dub Coaster Wanted to take my maps up a notch, and I think that this one does. Uses a custom car (replaces the Infernus), which is a first for besweeet maps. Also used a teleporting script, which is another first. Everything works quite well (after 50~ test runs). Song: "Bangarang" by Skrillex Map is attached to this post. (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=lGqi89KK5TY)) 13th map: Desert Domination 2 It's been a long time since I've made a map, so here's Desert Domination 2. It takes place in the desert, just like the first one, but isn't as fun IMO. I pretty much rushed through this one. It's still fun and easy to play. Song: "Natives" by Blink-182 Map is http://forums.left4green.com/topic/7667-besweeets-maps/page__view__findpost__p__90973. (video dead (youtube.com/watch?v=BYw2oXrcXIs)) 14th map: Speedbowl (3 Laps) And now, after over 3 years, my latest (14th) map: Speedbowl (3 Laps)! It's mostly based on "Speedbowl" from FlatOut 2: Song: "Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers" - Fall Out Boy Demo video of the map: The map download is http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/7667-besweeets-maps/page-3#entry130450. 15th map: [sH] Mad Maestro My first SH. Kept it basic while giving players plenty of options on where to go. Song: https://soundcloud.com/devinmartinmusic/mad-maestro-free-dl race-toc.zip race-dubcoaster.zip
  15. Happened in L4G yesterday, too:
  16. Funny missing motorcycle rider glitch:
  17. More like the evolution of getting pissed off at a video game . I DIDN'T SEE THAT SCHNAPI MAP! And am I the only one who gets annoyed by the camera being moved around by the mouse? Gamepad FTW.
  18. First time this has really happened on this map.
  19. Got my 212+ installed. Idles at around 35C. Full load (stock speeds) is around 58C. I'll try a 4.5GHz OC to see how things will work. I just wish I could figure out why the included CPU fan is always at 100% instead of automatically adjusting itself to the CPU loads... Looks like I'll still have to rely on Speedfan for automatic fan adjustments.
  20. My 2600K showed up. Swapped it out with my 2500K. Got rid of the Ultra cooler and am using the stock cooler for now (212 should be here on Friday). Pretty sure the cooler is seated properly. Put about pea size dot of thermal paste onto the CPU (maybe slightly smaller). CPU is idling at 45C. Prime95 will being it up to 97C. I'll double check everything.
  21. Forgot the name of this map. Was fun spectating from the roof.
  22. I guess I should've mentioned that I do a good bit of work with Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere/After Effects. Already spent $800~ on the PC. Might as well spend another $100~ to get the best 2nd-gen Core i7 that I can.
  23. Jesus christ... I really should stop looking in this retarded thread. ???
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