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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. I think I'm going to rewire everything later today. Still sorta messy but I guess I can only do so much. Just bothers me.
  2. besweeet

    Firefox is shit

    Which reminds me: Reinstall RollerCoaster Tycoon. I have the CDs somewhere.
  3. besweeet

    Firefox is shit

    Firefox blowwsssss. Chrome FTWWWWWWWWW. IE would [honestly] be my backup browser.
  4. Maybe just put things back to normal, leave the FPS limit at 45, and try and increase the maxplayers a little bit? Maybe invest in a faster server to keep up with the demand? I haven't seen the server even hit more than 60 players ever since the limit has increased to 128... Also, let's compare this to a real-life race. You're in a race with 59 others. You want to see everyone you're racing against the entire time, not when you get to a certain lap or turn.
  5. Make it so that you have the option to do this, while the default will be whatever it is now.
  6. What's wrong with it? I got rid of 80% of the barrels that were previously there. It's easily playable with 40 people now. I'll make my topic the next time I make a map. I still have "Vegas Coaster" that I started several months ago that I've never finished.
  7. Is this the one that was temporarily named Cheesy vaginas?
  8. UPDATE! Just finished getting everything put together. Working on getting all the drivers and whatnot installed onto Windows 7 Professional (x64, SP1). Here are a few pics: For being my first build EVER, I'd say that I did pretty good . Cables could've been neater if I used a modular PSU, but I shoved all the extra crap behind the other side panel.
  9. Noes: Which map of yours has Keelhauled? I always buy the wrong ones...
  10. Decided to record 2fast2know where you go:
  11. I can't handle so many words like 'Overclocking', 'CPU', 'GHZ' and '•SSD OCZ Vertex 2 60GB SATA II' and other things that I don't understand at the same time. I think it's some sort of allergy. Oh .
  12. If you think that this map is idiotic, then you've obviously never played Yoshi's maps (heh). I don't see how when people are climbing up the ladder is even affected by the explosions I removed a bunch of the barrels to make it more noob-friendly. race-wtfyo.zip
  13. I still don't understand what the issue is... How are people exploding? None of the barrels should even be hit-able... Removed all of the barrels. Added a piece of a track to make the map look less lame. race-quickcoaster.zip
  14. I did make the changes... There's a fence for the building so that people won't go into it. (And it's not a bug...)
  15. That will make the map fun . People will have to push people out of the way and stuff.
  16. Yeah, I'll probably combine everything soon. Can an admin review my map and upload it (ie. BinSlayer)?
  17. So can an admin review my update (ie. BinSlayer)?
  18. You've never heard of Rosewill before? They've been around forever.
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