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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by besweeet

  1. Hipnoze, of course. Next: Should be easy .
  2. Correct. Next (easy... just getting it out of the way): Title should give it away .
  3. Very close! Anyone give up yet?
  4. AWESOME COASTER FTW! So does anybody know the first one?
  5. Nope, try again. Everyone gets 3 tries .
  6. Just for fun . I'll host this for a while. You simply have to name the map for which the song is in. First up (start at 00:20):
  7. Hmm... Newspaper? Are those the things that have lots of paper pages with text in them? Must've been a while . Everything's online now. Newpapers are old school. They'll die out within the next 10 years. Dont try to change the subject. I'm not, but you were, by deciding to ask a question that was offtopic.
  8. Hmm... Newspaper? Are those the things that have lots of paper pages with text in them? Must've been a while . Everything's online now. Newpapers are old school. They'll die out within the next 10 years.
  9. What is there to be skeptic about? Don't expect to get every single piece of information about these secret operations, they confirmed that it was him by comparing his DNA with his siters, how much more proof do you need? Some pictures or videos would be nice. When have you EVER seen a gore picture released by the government? He was shot in the fucking head, they're not going to release photos of his dead body to the press. Be patient, it will most likely leak in the next months... Ugh... I don't care anymore. Moving on. Should've stayed out of this one since the beginning.
  10. What is there to be skeptic about? Don't expect to get every single piece of information about these secret operations, they confirmed that it was him by comparing his DNA with his siters, how much more proof do you need? Some pictures or videos would be nice.
  11. Which is why I'm still slightly skeptic about all of this. Oh well. Moving on. More important things to worry about in the world .
  12. Read the last line in the quoted post that I made. Of course, Obama was "president" when he was killed, but he had very little (if anything) to do with it, so I guess it was simply good timing (assuming he's actually dead, since there's no real proof).
  13. Obama didn't do anything but hang inside the white house.
  14. Obama didn't do anything; he had nothing to do with the operation. The military was, and they didn't report anything to him until after the fact. Presidents don't have much power.
  15. // begin useless post I can post a pic of a shitstorm if anybody wants . // end useless post @TinyDancer: While I understand your point of view in terms of celebrating somebody's death, I just disagree. I'm not sure if my points were convincing or not.
  16. I thought that the smiley was a regular one, but I didn't see it animate until it was too late. Anyway, I honestly don't see anything wrong with celebrating the death of somebody who has caused much torment and grieving for people all over the world. He's one less terrorist to worry about, and that right there should be enough reason to start celebrating. Didn't people celebrate Hitler's death? Another example... If a murderer killed your mom, and he was then put to death, wouldn't you celebrate a bit? I sure as hell would. The world is better without these sorts of people. Yes, problems will continue to persist, but having this terrorist, who has caused many problems, dead, means a lot to a lot of people around the world, including those who have lost loved ones because of his terrorist attacks. LONG LIVE HIS DEATH EDIT: But that's assuming he's actually dead. I'm still somewhat skeptic. I haven't seen any real concrete proof of his death. A video or a lot of professional photographs would be great. Could potentially be a political stunt by Obama to increase his ratings, thus increasing his chances of a second presidency (it's time for somebody else).
  17. It's a start.
  18. Regardless, he's done more wrong that good. Therefore, the death should be celebrated .
  19. Okay, you guys got me there. But still, most of the killings (non-civilian, which are quite unexplainable) were done for the right reasons. What initially happened on 9/11 was for all of the wrong ones. Still. Everyone should just be happy that he's [supposedly] dead (albeit there's no proof)...
  20. There isn't only one source for this. It's from many papers and pictures that show what the U.S. forces did in the Middle East. There's also WikiLeaks sustaining the fact. I ain't going to bother listing "sources". Just google it/dig: One of many examples ... PS: There are also so called "interviews" from soldiers that explain what's really going on there. Oh well. Unfortunate for them. Sometimes you have the urge to kill.
  21. U.S. killed more people than "him". Who's the terrorist now? What's your source for this?
  22. You, sir, are the kind of pussies that we don't need on this earth. He's allowed to kill thousands of innocent people, but we can't kill him? LOL. Your kind makes me laugh. And I bet yoshi has the same outlook as you. And I like the way bin thinks. Sometimes .
  23. How'd you get the start bar across both screens?
  24. Haven't changed mine in a while, so I just did so. Nice and clean (as always).
  25. Was sort of proud of this one:
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