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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. yeah turrets sound good as long as their 'balanced'
  2. put like 500 units range between turrets minimum to stop chokepoints
  3. Roosterteeth is good but then again they dont exactly fall into Gaming comics its usually either one r the other..
  4. wow rly can you please stop retard troll patroll this thread is reserved for people who actualy want to try and contribute....
  5. i like i take it zombies can propkill/knock over turrets? if so i applaud you on making balanced turrets
  6. Level boundaries as they are are fine but some of the leveling systems are bugged example 1600 headshots for commando (600 for lvl 0-1) (i think) is fine 1600-600= 1000 for lvl 1-2) the damage required to get 1000 headshot kills is about 3 times as much as the requirements for the lvl 2 requirements i have only ~990 headshots yet i have about twice the requirements for dmg please fix bugs like this example but the leveling as it is is fine make it either a reasonable damage:headshot ratio or make it 1600 headshot hits (not just headshot kills)
  7. Yes now we are 1 step closer to being balance (id say about 5 big patches away)
  8. Alyx- Support Gordon- Engineer Barney- Commando Father Grigory- Beserker Mossman- Medic just and idea (this way pufu gets to make father grigory quotes while last standing as zerker xD) obviously the current freeman perk may need tweaks unless you consider this idea idea:crowbars right click removes a cade you own returning it to you at slightly decreased health making it usefull to have a cbar as engineer
  9. Griffon


    A vast improvement on the old model if it has a good library i will get one
  10. i was gona sugguest a few things but i noticed server hasnt been updated
  11. Happy rape day birthday
  12. Cast flare and run for the hills! But seriously Play dead from dance fatigue (Its deadly) equip the pipe And surprise attack if he attempts to loot you
  13. Because that's how I designed it and I like it. Problem, officer? yes the problem is that milisecons serves no purpous you cant say ill redeem in 9001 miliseconds humans cannot acuratley measure miliseconds on their own and use it to guage something theres a reason the international standard unit for time is seconds meanwhile i get to see the eyesore of blury numbers flicker by when they contribute nothing to the gamemode. The rest of the HUD is reasonable but the timer looks unprofesional and will do nothing but annoy players. If it contributed something like the rest of the HUD i would not care, but it does NOTHING //Rant
  14. "[HINT] As an Ethereal Zombie, you are partially visible Shivering" im pretty sure its supposed to be Shimmering although i dont know a better word personaly @ new ui : Why would i want to see round time in miliseconds? It makes no fucking sense and simply looks ugly/distracting
  15. I belive that the assault rifle level weapons do not do enough dmg considering the effort needed to get them. Ak-meh kreig-shit pulse rifle- shit compared to the smg 1 (smg1 is stronger and more acurate) famas-only decent assault rifle if slightly underpowered also fix supplies when we had 6 players alive we only got pistols also at 5 min left we had nothing but lowest smgs we also had zombines at 10 minutes
  16. so smg1 is ok but pulse rifle is shit atm, more dmg plz. maybe a enginer pistol? assould riffles need a liittle more dmg considering how much effors /survival it takes to get them. If you add a setup mine time either do: more dmg/larger AOE. Commando leveling from 0-1 is inconvienient 1-2 impossible 2+ idk i havent got there even though i have much more dmg than required but need twice the amount of fking head shot KILLS! An autoredeem feature when 2 survivors remain as i missed redeeming by a milisecond even though i hit the redeem bytton
  17. I think the headcrab collision is probebly the biggst bug in the gamemode by far
  18. Damien i really like those posts
  19. I cant wait for annabelle commando redeem here i come (it best be instakill on anything bellow 250hp XD)
  20. Must find tinder! , MUST FIND TINDER! thats how i live now after playing it over a freinds house
  21. This may be quite possibly the BEST IDEA ON THE INTERNETZ GOOD SIR!
  22. Okay fasties are getting fixed what else is wrong at the moment? Leveling of some clases need scaling Some minor bug fixes Some new weapons new perk stuff... (wow is that all?) Any chance of getting the weapon tree`s for each class put on the ingame menu? p.s cant wait for anabel
  23. NICE! Really like the look of it good job
  24. Am i the only one against zombie leveling? if you have zombie levels that means a human lvl 6 must = zombie lvl6 what happens when you get a lvl 0 human agains lvl 6 zombie or vice versa ? Try balancing that shit! Weve had human levels for what like 2 years? and there still not balanced zombie levels in theory are a nice idea but they are knowere near practical
  25. Global warming FTW
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