That my good sir, would be a crappy decision. And why not? Headcrabs have low HP and headcrabs wont heal other headcrabs. So its important to kill one of these freakbags. Real epic move, man. could make the headcrab class somewhat... interesting. And quite good as support when sieging a barricade. Which sucks at this moment. Headcrabs are meant to be played like sneaky foot raping ninjas making them healer would be bad, shooting a headcrab is hard and if they could heal as well it would be OP. Healing is not the point of a zombie, its meant to be a horde if one dies anotherone takes its place thats how zombies work, healing breaks that. Healing from gibs is okay maybe poison zombies vomit could heal zombies sort of like a transfere of health. It would make it so that you have to calculate your needs VS teamates needs (necro does like moar teamwork..) Howlers need to be more rewarding as your not rewarded for suporting the team. If a howler buffs a teamate who then kills someone she should get the assist. Perhaps you could give her a basic claw ability too. Even the jokey in l4d has that..