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Mr. Green Gaming

Tom Klijbroek

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Everything posted by Tom Klijbroek

  1. Duh! No one can recognize a real ice bear, and the quote means that people will fight with each other over the climate-problem. What am I, dumb? You should have scratched the questons and write down "it's a fucking POLAR bear"
  2. Probably homeless or on welfare. But that's okay. You don't HAVE to be able to do something. Thank you. At least I pwned everyone in English. Cool. Seems like spending your entire life on English messageboards has it's positive side-effects after all.
  3. Probably homeless or on welfare. But that's okay. You don't HAVE to be able to do something.
  4. Okay but Yoshi, check this out Your idol and my idol together on one picture
  5. And to think it started out so promising. But I bet you'll remember this thread when Tom is topping the international music charts in a few years.
  6. Well I didn't know that. I'm a newbie. I know Yoshi is the kind of guy who could create a sort of 'made up' internet friend so at least SOMEONE on this board would then defend him. But that ain't me.
  7. Did you vote in the poll already?
  8. Omg, it's like hunting a witch now. Who is the real troll?? Then we should just burn them both. No wait!
  9. I think Yoshi's just a troll, trying to ruin my great topic.
  11. Congratulations Lukkie[bE]. If Yoshi thinks you're important enough to have a topic about you, than you must be a very cool person indeed.
  12. You're so kind Yoshi. I admire that in a person.
  13. Yeah. They don't have any respect for talking crows.
  14. BlueYoshi is writing a post now, I bet he's gonna kick some asses.
  15. Don't spoil this topic please, I'm new around here, take it easy on the newcomers. And try to broaden your minds a little and start adoring Tom Klijbroek.
  16. I think this is his best live vocal performance to date. Gives me goosebumps.
  17. Real talent shows itself at a young age. Mozart performed sold-out shows when he was 10. Don't think all those folks were pedos.
  18. I'm not the one who's constantly bringing up the pedo thing. You can't like anybody's music without having a sexual attraction to them according to some people here. Weird.
  19. Nothing. But chopping some peoples balls off only for the thoughts that run through their minds sounds a little medieval to me.
  20. Pedophilia is not even a crime, brainiac.
  21. Loving someones music doesnt mean you want to have gay sex with them. Like every 2Pac fan wants to fuck his corpse, lol.
  22. This one is pretty scary too, and deadly.
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