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Mr. Green Gaming

Tom Klijbroek

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Everything posted by Tom Klijbroek

  1. Nice, watch out for them darn tesla coils
  2. Nu zijn de admins boos op MIJ omdat JIJ rare topics over me maakt. :( :(

  3. Now Yoshi's even making up birthdays for his alt-accounts. This guy's seriously creeping me out.
  4. I think I'd go for the handjob. You have to try everything once and who knows.. maybe being jacked off by a guy can be a great experience. I don't think a dildo in the ass for a half minute will be as enjoyable as that little handjob. Would you rather win €300 for yourself or end world hunger?
  5. That's a cool game it's called S........d. The pic I posted is from 'Will work for TEK' -> TekWar. (hint integrated in the picture)
  6. That's a hard part, I'm a bad cyclist
  7. I think it's.. Singularity.. AM I RIGHT AM I RIGHT
  8. Now we probably have to wait a long time since Yoshi's out selling street papers.
  9. Just smash those bullies
  10. Now we have to wait. Yoshi's out for a job interview at McDonalds.
  11. There's probably a gameboy integrated in the Yoshi-vehicle
  12. I think I used to play that game on my Commodore 64 but I'm not sure.
  13. Maybe if you guys would have been nicer to Yoshi he wouldn't have to make up an imaginary friend to keep him going.
  14. I don't care I lost the game, I want some candy!
  15. That's a tricky one. Some sort of Egyptian ship maybe.. Yoshi should know it, he's half Egyptian.
  16. Maybe this is fun. Someone posts a screenshot and another guy guesses what game it's from. Pull over! You're under arrest, step back from the vehicle, place your hands on the trunk.
  17. This is from the old Wankenstein days. Yoshi was like: Don't push me cuz I'm close to the edge
  18. Clinton didnt try to kill Osama if I recall correctly. Well he did, but he was too busy pleasing Monica Lewinsky.
  19. It kind of looks like that scene from Red Alert 2 when Yuri's mindcontrolling them, I'm glad Obama resisted it. Hillary seems a bit scared though.
  20. Obama watching video feed from the operation.. great pic imo
  21. Yeah but if Osama's throwing a press conference tonight showing he's alive Obama can pack his bags. I guess he's not taking that chance.
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