I don't really get the scratch thing but well..^^ Yeah, I would say bring back Old ZS xD Classes are problematic when you see the complaints about various things (sometimes that's perks problems, now weapons/ammo etc...). Delu does a good job but there are too much things in this ZS compared to the old ZS(I bet someone will say "that's Call of IW:Killing floor survival ..."), and the class system should be modified (changing the classes which get most of the problems, removing them or mixing two classes but ensuring that's not an OP class, something like that..). Or, basically, you remove classes, and keep only two of them, which as I suggested once in another topic, are a "normal" class, the one everyone played before the class apparitions, and a melee one (can only use melee weapons and has berserker's abilities). Or, crazy idea, what about a custom class list? Like in MW2, sort of.You choose a few abilities, his type of weapons etc...?