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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. I don't really get the scratch thing but well..^^ Yeah, I would say bring back Old ZS xD Classes are problematic when you see the complaints about various things (sometimes that's perks problems, now weapons/ammo etc...). Delu does a good job but there are too much things in this ZS compared to the old ZS(I bet someone will say "that's Call of IW:Killing floor survival ..."), and the class system should be modified (changing the classes which get most of the problems, removing them or mixing two classes but ensuring that's not an OP class, something like that..). Or, basically, you remove classes, and keep only two of them, which as I suggested once in another topic, are a "normal" class, the one everyone played before the class apparitions, and a melee one (can only use melee weapons and has berserker's abilities). Or, crazy idea, what about a custom class list? Like in MW2, sort of.You choose a few abilities, his type of weapons etc...?
  2. Good luck boeh.
  3. That's not weird, it's just that at the contrary of English, we have 2 possessive words for masculine/feminine things, so you said MON for a masculine, MA for a feminine. Also it's the same with "the" we have le/la, "a" is un/une etc... What is funny is that in english you have like mmm... "a red wine" ( ) and in french if you translate word by word that gives "un rouge vin" x-D, "un vin rouge" normally There is a kid movie, Asterix, if you know that famous character, where he goes to England and where britishes speak french with reversed words Danni, you're not nice with the language :< Also, we are slightly (if not greatly) going offtopic.
  4. Wesh bro, tu fais désormais partie de l'armée du libre-parler français de L4G tu commenceras en tant que simple trouffion mais au fil du temps du gagneras des galons^^

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  5. See, the spy does teach people french! That's chou-fleur. And Valve destroyed what the spy should have said, he says "ma petit chou fleur" but normally it's "MON petit chou fleur"(cause chou fleur is a masculine noun). Also, calling a girl "chou fleur" is weird.I'd rather say "ma petite fleur", maybe.... VforV> No, nevah evah I got more people in the french army
  6. Hé p'tit j'ai pas fait gaffe à toi, je suis aussi français (et le seul admin français d'ailleurs). No, don't start raging AAAAHH FRENCH FRENCH STOOP!!! (french:Petite précision, ne parle pas trop french ici, ils aiment pas) I tell him that you're getting crazy when I speak french with point/ni pah, so he knows Good luck
  7. Nice guy, nice app. nicegood luck mah boeh.
  8. Rail gun from Metal Gear REX (can fire a nuke which cannot be spotted by radars, and can be fired from anywhere in the world and touch any place)
  9. True...true. Then I'm a half addict.
  10. Hug me bro, I'm not the only ascetic here.Hurray But wait wat, I drunk sometimes but just half a glass of wine. Emranovitch, just imagine that it will insta-kill you if you smoke, or just say "sh*t" to cigarettes and it'll be fine.
  11. You just Emroll'd us Emra>Ima screen it during the week end maybe, when my exams will be over.I still have economy, oral english and oral spanish(<----this s*cks a lot)
  12. That's well done Also, during my english exam I drew a gazmask hazard dude
  13. 4/10, old, the GPU is old. http://www.materiel.net They sell full custom PCs or you can decide of the components and they'll build one for you.
  14. LOL, since when Ramirez is part of Fox Hound? XD
  15. Noes, Robo's birthday topic is going to be dominated by Boter's ^^
  16. Happy birthday Boter, I still don't know what your name means but I'll find! Boter=bot+water vs loot from WoW?
  17. Lol what's that topic Dx Pizza with pineapple?No, no and no.I wonder how you can like that...that's just, horrible, sugar and salt can't marry.
  18. Nah that's just a bot which tells you a code and you enter it somewhere.Maybe...sniff...maybe.. Unless Clavus/Ywa pay(s) slaves who answer to the phone It should be in english then.
  19. Aren't you afraid of putting your address on the letter?Imagine that your postal service loses the letter and some pedobear gets it?
  20. Idea 1: Don't make a topic for each version of your map. Idea 2: A sort of swamp with destroyed buildings and cars invaded by mud :3
  21. I don't think that your parents will appreciate that you send money in a letter to strangers Just wait for a SMS system, that'll be easier.
  22. That's a good thing, it would be awesome if you use the Allopass system(I don't know if it exists in a lot of countries though).
  23. There are enough melee weapons (berserker with chainsaw is just impossible...he just runs through the meat and keep the attack button pressed to regen hp very fast x_x )
  24. A picture I made right now It's a sort of decontamination guy looking for some green radioactive thingy^^ EDIT: A Hind D <3
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