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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. No, I don't like this, first it will make the game more easier ,which is not a good thing at all, the game is enough easy for noobs, and second it losts the little realism of the weapons (have you ever seen a machine gun reloaded in 2 seconds?Unless you use a MW2 perk it's impossible). This is a bit trouble, but here again it's not a very good idea for the overall gameplay, if people can choose which weapon they want they will automatically get the best weapons, and even if there is a limitation of good weapons they will just choose bad weapons to replace their pistols/smg when they'll see there is a buyable autoshotty to keep this one. The ammo crates should be removed and replaced by the old weapon picking up system or the weapon earning by kills.
  2. Can we vote for a specific movie for the next time, choosing in a list?
  3. Nice pic Paysant Haxmin?! Isn't that Pointpoint who used to say that? And am I actually imitating Superman on the picture? Oo
  4. Bulla Regia, in north Tunisia
  5. Your links doesnt work in any way. Well I abandon, I don't understand, whether I use imageshack, filesmelt or another website, and whether I upload in PNG or JPG format, I got the message "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board. " Meh meh meh... WORKS! It works with Noelshack, strangely!
  6. I take advantage that you up Robb's topic to post a few photos of Bulla Regia ruins I took during my vacations
  7. What's next? Zimbabwean topic??! Are you guys going to make a topic for each country?!
  8. You are right I was thinking of a french topic but I didn't see who was the topic's author at this moment, I briefly thought about Yoshi&co, but it's fine, this topic won't get far. Apart from that I demand tougher rules for the forums (pinned, very visible for everyone), since the number of useless/spam topics is going to increase.
  9. That's because of big quote games like that that I don't like these spam topics. You could at least find a goal instead of treating this topic as a trashbin for all the spam.A goal like in the picture battle topic. And I don't see big spams in the Rassism topic. Spam=ZkfghFgGJrsbKsv Ttsjsshsjzuzjjrzbebzbv (x4414). Or Spam=Quote>Quote>Quote.... And if you want to post your experience then>Safehouse>New Topic>"Your experiences/...." and not "Spam central". Gee.
  10. Sä siis väität etten mä muka sais puhua suomee täällä? Me ollaa hotellissa motellissa LOMAILEMAS! Tekee mieli kiroilla erittäin paljon, mutta koska Left4Green on asiallin foorumi, en sitä tee. Toteutan kiroiluni muualla. TURKU ON SUOMEN PERSEENREIKÄ! Vinden Finnen vissenvinnen binnen tinnen linnen zinnen? (Nederlanders, jullie weten dat deze zin geen logica bevat, maar werk even mee). Why, Mayco? ;-( Because spam topics are not allowed, normally. Did I forget something? Aaaaaargh nordic language!!!!
  11. You can do that in English. I'm always on Nuggets ass about him speaking French on the forums. ! D: *Shoutbox mister!
  12. Mr Mayco? I require assistance! Some people think they can outspam topics.
  13. Unhappy Banania is unhappy.
  14. I dont mind speaking english only. But I mind if you mind, when I am telling a good man about admins here. And yes. Why do you ignore russian, but do not ignore French, for example? I saw ppl talking french (Nugget, pointpoint) here many times :S (in topics also). But anyway. Could you just [player list > mute] him? I don't know why, but they say that french is horrible(Danni my little? ) so I guess that's a small reason among the others.But I don't always use it here(only on the shoutbox when Point is here). Next time I'm going to speak in morroccan so none can understand me :3 Eeh. You know morroccan? never known... I did(I was borned in Morrocco, I learned when I was younger but then I abandonned, was annoying :/, still, my family in Tunisia speaks it of course, but they do talk french fortunately ) I forgot how to write in arabic but I can find some translator, and my keyboard doesn't have arabian language. Yoshi>Nah, that's boring and as I just said I forgot how to write^^
  15. I dont mind speaking english only. But I mind if you mind, when I am telling a good man about admins here. And yes. Why do you ignore russian, but do not ignore French, for example? I saw ppl talking french (Nugget, pointpoint) here many times :S (in topics also). But anyway. Could you just [player list > mute] him? I don't know why, but they say that french is horrible(Danni my little? ) so I guess that's a small reason among the others.But I don't always use it here(only on the shoutbox when Point is here). Next time I'm going to speak in morroccan so none can understand me :3
  16. First when I saw "hacking are.." I thought about hacking the Ares server, then the -bad- Area 51 game. Holy cake, this is a useless plan. I have a better one.I'm going to pay a PMC so they're gonna do the blowjob and stuff. Then I buy a Metal Gear REX from ArmTechs and fire a nuke using its railgun. The base blows up, the aliens try to escape so that allows me to use my intergalactic fishrod and put all the aliens into an alienarium.And zombify the corpses.
  17. What about an international L4G forum? <<<This idea s*cks
  18. Fail traduction from Google: People, I am also Russian, but the admins I know everyone here. They will always be a good reason to Mute. Racism is when you are labeled as people of another race, for example, Nigeria. But ... is not racism
  19. Then it's still not racism, but annoyance. If 2 French people start talking about, that Admin would probably do the same. Maybe your microphone was awfully loud. Don't be bothered by it though. You could just ask the admin why you were muted, and figure it out that way. Oh wait, I must automute myself D: But guys, you don't need to rage so much for a mute.Heh, when I was a lambda player (no Error, that's not russian people!) I already got whiners that said I talked always in french etc, once I got a german "racist" who said things like "shut up I hate french".I sent him shit elsewhere and that's all. Don't use your micro too much, make sure that people don't hear loud sounds instead of a voice. When I see people with weird micros talking too much I warn them gently to stop, if they spam I !mute.They'll get unmuted after a few minutes, depends..
  20. Buy hookers and sell them to drug dealers and then steal their drug+hookers and then sell again (and keep the drug). Job in computing/programming.I don't know.
  21. Chikennugget1


    Owwww.Les enfants Terribles? One of you is a blond-long-haired dude with sunglasses and the other one has a bandana which gives infinite ammo? I thought it was just a game. Oh hello by the way.
  22. Good luck Crowee ;P I wondered if you were still retired from the game but nevermind, I saw you playing it a few times.I guess.
  23. Meh, I played in singleplayer so I could take my time (and not running running because tourneyfags want it) but it's a bit disappointing, I thought there would be a big fight involving the 8 survivors against a horde of zombies, maybe at the finale, but this finale is not so surprising :/
  24. Just let the game updates itselfs once you're connected to Steam.
  25. Wait what a hidden topic?! *reads* Yeah, nice idea, sounds like Sims^^.+1 for custom avatars
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