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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. I would personally have removed the damages as Crow because if the humans are very well caded and if zombies can't pass they will just suicide, go behind the human cade and poop on them, and humans can't almost kill them (We can but why is it so hard to shoot a standing crow with a machine gun at 1 cm away? Oo ) Just for example, yesterday on zs_nastyhouse I got on the roof as human, destroyed the door so zombies can't get on the roof without prop jumping, 4 crows followed me and they just stood as Crow form to attack me, and I couldn't kill them, all I had to do is running randomly on the roof while trying to shoot incoming zombies, so if zombies can't kill a human, crows will :/
  2. Then some calls my topic "spam topic"
  3. Mmm well, without going into spam, I would just say "bleh".

    Big bleh...Dunno what to do, you ain't answer that caky messages :C

  4. Nutegmelon! The fruit > "Say something about the user above you", "picture battle game"... isn't it boosting too? The goal is to play! >
  5. Chikennugget1


  6. I wasn't aggressive, I was quite ironical, I wasn't angry don't worry, that was just to answer to what you said because it's the basic thing people like to annoy admins with, and I didn't really appreciate that to be honest.
  7. Comeback must be available for everyone, not only one person (or three). Scoreboard idea, mmm yes why not.
  8. Edit: Well we shouldn't debate on that because it's not really the goal here, I think it's just linked to maturity.For responsability,same, linked with age (very short thoughts :3 We should stop on that now)
  9. Oh I left them waaaaaaay before being admin don't worry And I don't have any social life, it's school or it's house, I don't get out (except if my parents oblige me and except if I'm invited to a friend, which is only during vacations :christmas: )
  10. heard that too from some guys a bit short appplication but okay BTW : i dont understand why nugget is still admin he cant play much cause of his school i have nothing agaist him but thats weird Are you kidding? I am admin so I can't have a life? I'm here each week end and wednesday,and sometimes in the week like now when my dad is away... Edit: And I'm everyday here, on the forum/mail.
  11. Evul Error is Evul!!!

    And dog of destiny ftw €:

  12. Googet Nuggle
  13. Well,if there are no young admins there (and you can check it) it's mainly because they have...a reutation-let's say that- which is bad, well you probably don't know "Skatezoc" who was a retard kid on Zombie Survival server, he is 10 I think and he is very, but VERY, annoying. There are other kids in this style, that's why we are quite suspicious towards them, because they are sensible cases, they have the most important amount of risks to spam etc... Also, generally, age goes with maturity so I think it's preferable to have older admins, 12 is way too young :/ Also, you are administrating YOUR server, not big ones as our or as noxious, it's quite different of private servers (I don't mean the ones where only friends can come,but just servers without a real popularity, (without hurting you or someone) ).
  14. Nooo,not zs_storm! At least you should keep the good old maps from 1st ZS (storm,stormier,raunchyhouse,the village,urban decay, plague). The FPS problems are weird, do you have a good 3D card? Because not everyone has this problems I think. Maps to add: ZS_thecity (with new gamemode it would be awesome, you have some places to hide) Zs_placid (Nice map in zs_storm's style with a surrounding area with water,hills...) Zs_3rd street (Urbandecay style, with streets and opened buildings) Zs_haunted bayou (a bit if optimization and it would be ok,that was a good map D: ) Zs_barrelfactory (mehehe!) Well you noticed that all of these maps,except bayou, are from Zs 9, but that doesn't mean they are outdated! They are all awesome maps, and more opened maps (as thecity,3rd street) would be welcomed! Why not putting these maps just to test? And if players like them keep em! :christmas: At my eyes, first zs's maps are still excellent for most of them
  15. Just because you failed at writing my name (chiKen not chiCKen!) I won't say good luck.....Nah joking :christmas: Good luck, you are a very nice person and you're not annoying (My opinion,I think...) Maybe a bitty bitty young but that doesn't really matters, if you are not like those 10 years old kids I don't really see big obstacles for you W&S!
  16. If you're talking to me, I just talked about IOGM, which was nothing compared to this video (top fps), because Idiots of Gmod is relatively easier to do, it's almost a compilation of scenes (scene+music+title[+voice sometimes] and that's all,you just mix this whole bunch of elements )
  17. Idiots of Garry's Mod is just a mix of scenes without real design, this video is really well-made, the animations are just... O.O
  18. XD I laughed a lot at the end,Gordon saying nothing and all the citizens are clapping XD And when Marcus died of the pirhana plant,Gordon just pointed at him "What?! AAAAAAAAAAHHHH" That would be awesome if there was Snake there^^
  19. Krensut Dages
  20. Lugget Kunen
  21. I got the "deal with the devil" achievement earlier this evening and it just came soooo fast on me, I think it's the assist system which gives more brains. So,here is the debate: assist for zombies? Yes and no, yes because it's useful when you get "ksed" (but sometimes I have the impression only 1 person got the kill even with someone else hitting the human, maybe he just didn't hit him enough) and no because it provides a lot of brains,AND rtd too! What do you think?
  22. Ni pet (Tu dois donner un seul nom, pas plusieurs! )
  23. Nugi Peht
  24. Ganbanack
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