Nooo,not zs_storm! At least you should keep the good old maps from 1st ZS (storm,stormier,raunchyhouse,the village,urban decay, plague). The FPS problems are weird, do you have a good 3D card? Because not everyone has this problems I think. Maps to add: ZS_thecity (with new gamemode it would be awesome, you have some places to hide) Zs_placid (Nice map in zs_storm's style with a surrounding area with water,hills...) Zs_3rd street (Urbandecay style, with streets and opened buildings) Zs_haunted bayou (a bit if optimization and it would be ok,that was a good map D: ) Zs_barrelfactory (mehehe!) Well you noticed that all of these maps,except bayou, are from Zs 9, but that doesn't mean they are outdated! They are all awesome maps, and more opened maps (as thecity,3rd street) would be welcomed! Why not putting these maps just to test? And if players like them keep em! :christmas: At my eyes, first zs's maps are still excellent for most of them