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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Chikennugget1

  1. If I were admin I would give him a simple knife and teleport him in front of zombie spawn Then I would redeem him and kill him indefinately
  2. Nice^^ But I thought that too many "shots" make the decals disappearing one per one
  3. Likes trying to say what I write in french :noel:
  4. Bah,I don't only aim at MrGreen dudes,it's for everyone :3
  5. The problem is that I can't create my own server,I need to open ports but I don't know which ones and it doesn't works
  6. I didn't exploited each sequence deeplier because I have sometimes lacks of inspiration or when I want to do it I see that I can't do it because I don't have the means to do it(hard etc)I wanted for example to continue the 3rd scene (combine fail) with the 3 combines chasing the kleiner and he kills them 1 per 1,escaping etc...But it was too hard to do it because I make the scenes alone and I don't use wired systems(for camera effects or multiple actiobs) so there wasn't real originalities on that point.
  7. nice,the only comment I got on facepunch is "geez,why ppl don't post in the right section!?"
  8. Well,I agree that some of them are inspired(almost copied mmm)from other videos,but wow,didn't imagine that someone would say that.Don't worry I have nothing against that,you're free to say what you want but it's strange.
  9. Wow,Nice picture Emra (for paint of course! ) And hell yeah...we need more sexyness,without Robo here it's different
  10. Yeah it happened to almost everyone today,because of that new Gmod update (achievements etc...) it will be fixed soon I think
  11. EDIT: It works,I didn't say anyhing^^
  12. Hello there,that makes around 2-3 whole days (and more) I was making my new video,Gmod Epic Show. It's a Gmod Idiot box like-video (zapping with amusing scenes ) By the way,I got permission from Dasboschitt to take his Dr.hax character for some scenes. Enjoy!
  13. Corby you haaaax and cheatz0r > I thought just by reading the topic's name that you leave definitely! Grblblgrablgrublblubrga...!
  14. Bwaaaah it's empty now T_T but good luck!

  15. Actually, I'm working on a video called Gmod Epic Show, it's a video like the Gmod Idiot box series (by the way I asked Dasboschitt if I could use his Dr.Haaaaax he accepted ). The video is like 50% finished, needs some more scenes(I have around 6-7 minutes now,I'm aiming the 10 minutes). If you have any idea for a scene don't hesitate (you will win the right to be in the credits^^) Also I have my 100 ways to die in Gmod I need to work on but I don't really know,I don't have motivation and ideas to do it. I have zs_rustyvillage I need to finish, but I need help from good mappers to make beautiful walls etc,it blocks me and I need that limits to do the rest :/
  16. Good luck BUFFALO GRILL!!! Tell him that FRENCH FRIES loves him! <3
  17. Nooooooooooooon Bean reste avec nous Dx Ca va me manquer de ne plus me faire prop-sniper de loin ^^ You were a great player,dangerous one,I will have to find a new guy to call propkill demon T_T
  18. Bye Bob,you were a really good and funny player too So many good persons who leave...
  19. Oh nooo,after Crow now it's you :s Well,that was really cool to know you,I hope you will come sometimes here or on Steam. You did a lot for us (not especially me,otherwise it will turns into dramatica-scene blabla?) We're losing a great person... But,will you come anyways sometimes,not in game of course,but just online,MSN,Steam...? Personally I'll miss you dude,that will be weird to don't see you,but the things made it like that Good luck and keep head up,you leave us with the pride of being a good guy! ...(Nugget is crying too)... Good bye brother Tu vas me,et nous bien s
  20. Blobby> +2000000,I was the first who complained about that a lot,it avantages zombies :/ I think Deluvas will try to do something for it.
  21. I am not just leaving because of the 'updates' (drastic gameplay changes is probably a more fitting term), I am leaving mainly due to the changed server dynamic i.e more new people meaning a less personal and welcoming/friendly feeling. Soooo. you enjoy it less because most regulars are gone? There are new regulars now. Greenman, Holy etc etc Anyways. Cya around then Greenman is just a f****** no-life,he is always connected but he is not always playing,I come and he is 1)playing like a no life,2)afk. Crowbar we'll miss you,you were a good player and a friendly dude :'(
  22. Look,if everyone could create a lot of apps for a lot of servers then topcrew will suicide with all those apps,it's just unfair to allow someone to make 2 apps,of course he can't be admin of 2 servers like that,otherwise it's called favouritism >
  23. I had that problem with a human model too once.I've downloaded a replacing model for Alyx to use in singleplayer but when I played ZS everyone who had a Alyx character were invisible for me. Maybe you doloaded a custom texture for one of the zombie classes,delete it.
  24. Metal Gear Solid,Spyro the Dragon,Team Buddies...
  25. Cool,Deluvas will be a very good developer!
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