You don't apply for IW server now,it's just all the Gmod servers (IW+ ZS ) Also you seem a bit young, and your app is a bit short :/ (Well sorry if I'm rude but I I say that in an objective way Good luck though )
Woot woot woot,I agree Yellows=random malfunctionning cakes but :noel: is god D: Ywa>>> Whaaat? I'm not a full army? :christmas: Next time I'll put my Darth Vader Hat and stick :noel: pictures on me
Lol this is not racist :noel: :christmas: Ahhhh,about racism, why don't you put the real :noel: smiley instead of the :christmas: ? You are racist against the yellows? >
I agree,I think it's a sort of bug, I do !rtd I have no message,if I roll it again I have to wait. Can we have a message to indicate we failed at rtd or something? But generally it's a nicr work you did there Delu (where did the saw go???)