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Mr. Green Gaming


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Chuusto last won the day on November 21 2019

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  1. Sup duckman.

  2. Is one year older since last time on my TheSorsa steam account!

  3. I remember those times. I loved the old version but this new one is good too. Btw in which version zombies could spawn as torso's?
  4. Congratulations.

  5. Nice photos. I like 'em I would want to take photos too but my aunt stole my camera... Ok "borrowed" it. Just long one... :S lol
  6. Nah, I wouldn't bother to go again... I already have been there and I have nice UFO on my backyard P.S If FBI or something else like that is reading this. I DO NOT have a UFO on my backyard and I haven't break into area 51.
  7. This will be awesome! I like the idea.
  8. Nice app and good luck.
  9. Chuusto


    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hi You: where is your planet? Stranger: haha pluto You: should i turn left from refertia? Stranger: i think so You: ok You: thx You: i will spare your life now You: we are coming to conquer your planet You: we are going to kill all of you! Stranger: ok You: except you Stranger: lool You: we will take you as our guide You: we are going to conquer whole universe! Stranger: thats fine by me You: just wait for us couple thousand years Stranger: yea sure will You: it is short journey but i think you will have enough time to prepare Stranger: ill be dead by then but u know who cares You: why you will be dead? You: we care You: you are our guide Stranger: i only live 4 a hundred years You: only? Stranger: yeah You: why do you have some kind of sickness? Stranger: we die early You: that too bad... Stranger: no its just us from that planet we're different You: then we must kill all of you Stranger: agreed You: could you write down directions to all planets? Stranger: where u from? You: rafnaek Stranger: how old r u ? You: im just a young adult..... something like 134000 years Stranger: ohhh ur so young Stranger: r u male or female You: what is male or female? Stranger: boy or girl Stranger: guy or lady Stranger: blue or pink You: what does those words mean? You: i recognize those colours Stranger: yeah You: but we have been curious about what male or female, boy or girl , guy or lady mean? You: is those some kind of names of your people? You: we are pink Stranger: yeah sure if u wanted 2 be Stranger: good im blue Your conversational partner has disconnected. Finally a long conversation! But I'm sad about blue left... I did while we were on a class. Teacher laughed at computer when she looked my conversation from her computer xD
  10. Nice, I liked your pictures
  11. I would give 7/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPTucJRSBaE
  12. Yep it's true. But anyway zombies were scary back and it was more exciting back then. And I like the new zs too but there are some things I hate in this new one. Like berserkers who are almost undefeatable. And even harder if there is medics healing him.
  13. 10000+ Bumping so that Deluvas can see this...! Humans should rarely win. Fuck balanced teams Yeah, It should be like that! This. Back when I was modding I came to the same conclusion. If humans win, you have a whole lot of stressed players that played zombie. If zombies win, everybody had fun. You should make it far from easy to survive, and also make it very rare that players achieve the best weapons every round. Yes Yes Yes! At the moment pretty much every round at least 5 people end up with a shotgun and humans have guaranteed victory. There needs to be fewer ways for humans to get health. Also, maybe the assist system ought to be removed. At the moment you get at least one point if you pretty much shoot a zombie once... Yeah, You are right clavus. Now being zombie is stressful. And you both are right at the weapons... It is too easy to achieve best weapons. I had a game where was only 3-4 zombies and almost all humans got shotguns and saws. I was one of the zombies and it was pretty hopeless situtation. And almost like that kind of situtations happen in all rounds I have played lately. And crowbar is right about health. You can find health from any hole or crack you find in the map... It's too easy to gain health and surviving at low health (because of the easily achievable guns) You can just wait for next supply drop when you have under 30 hp and most likely you won't die. Like in last round I played (like hour ago?) I tried to be easy to hit, etc. But still I was under 20 hp long and got more hp from supply drops. You may have 20 hp and still get it to 70 in one supply drop? It is too easy when you can get health from vials, medics etc.
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