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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sneed

  1. facepunched
  2. Sneed

    Botervloot is old

    Happy birthday Bot!
  3. so? that would be the lamest excuse for not understanding the topic
  4. Sneed

    1 to a 1000

    …………………...„„-~^^~„-„„_ ………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„ …………..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '\ …………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : '| ……….../ : „-* . . . | : : : : : : : : | ………...\„-* . . . . .| : : : : : : : :'| ……….../ . . . . . . '| : : : : : : : :| ……..../ . . . . . . . .'\ : : : : : : : | ……../ . . . . . . . . . .\ : : : : : : :| ……./ . . . . . . . . . . . '\ : : : : : / ….../ . . . . . . . . . . . . . *-„„„„-*' ….'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '| …/ . . . . . . . ./ . . . . . . .| ../ . . . . . . . .'/ . . . . . . .'| ./ . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . .'| '/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'| '| . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . .| '| . . . . . . \„_^- „ . . . . .'| '| . . . . . . . . .'\ .\ ./ '/ . | | .\ . . . . . . . . . \ .'' / . '| | . . . . . . . . . . / .'/ . . .| | . . . . . . .| . . / ./ ./ . .|
  5. Hello, im a badboy, i need spanking
  6. Sneed

    1 to a 1000

  7. I Dont download my music i listen to em (Spotify) and if they are good, i buy em
  8. 5/10
  9. IM gonna bump this by
  10. 2 reasons why this fails. 1. You cant just disable the damage of a zombie class. 2. You cant give "Negative" side effects to upgrades you can't sell. That would be unhandy. That's the downside of this upgrade, if you disable the damages for a class and give nothing bad in return then you just won the game. So it needs something that balances it a bit. Ok, let's say, Howlers do reduced damage (50%), because they are actually too strong. okay remove that howler and pick up a new zombie who can shoot guttling hooks
  11. 10/10 Listen to the whole video
  12. 0/10
  13. Happy birthday
  14. 15 euros is a bit too much for a beta, and I don't like Paypal thingies, so I'll wait for a possible Steam version. Didnt you donate to mr.green?
  15. http://bethblog.com/index.php/2011/02/18/ladies-and-gentlemen-start-your-creation-engines/ so i will take a little qoute from the blog So, think you have the stat points in you to produce the perfect eight pound dragon-slayer? Like the wizened wizard he is, Pete is throwing down with a casual quest, offering up an unknown reward to any couple adventurous enough to name their 11/11/11-born child “Dovahkiin.” So, what are you waiting for grab your wife and start making babies!
  16. 7/10
  17. That is abit op with the horse health upgrade now isnt it?
  18. 5/10
  19. Verify?
  20. [/meda]
  21. Sneed

    I'm late...

    Yeah you totally get laid just by looking at women, just because you spammed a girl on L4G. Good game. Ufag. I mean in real life. I don't get my eyeballs jumping outside, when some girl kisses me. Thats because it never happens Sorry, sir, but I shall dissapoint you, that happens every day. By guys
  22. i killed over 10k humans hmm i played to much :'(
  23. Or remove the 5% and be able to have a 15-20% chance to destroy a nail on a prop
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