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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sneed

  1. The experience from that video, was let me say MIND blowing
  2. who could have guessed , well i do support this.
  3. Sneed

    Max Payne 3

    face reminded me off the first max payne
  4. Congratz
  5. okay, i thought poison headcrabs did the job, but meh i havent played for a while so i have no idea what changes have done with them so. W/e okay
  6. he looks so bad, he doesnt even hit, i would love to play zs, as "Hate" if the teams zombies were not able to spawn for 30 seconds or 1 minute and let him have the run speed as in the game "Cry Of Fear" and let him insta gib people, and lower his hp to maybe 1000, and when the timer (30sec-1min) has gone he dies or something and let him have that walk and attack shit. and one last thing music here = when he shows up ( Might be loud, so i warn you to lower your speakers.)
  7. Gl, Hf, GG, WP
  8. finnish people in a nutshell
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reiska


      ah the summer

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      +1 @ Reiska, at September...

    4. Hundred2


      Needs more nationalism and alcohol abuse.

  9. Wait what ? Are you saying you got a blowjob from Clavus? Damn straight
  10. Penis helicopter me likes
  11. People people stop, this is ambient
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. Sneed

    Mr. Green LAN 2012

    You rather inform people one week before the event? Rather early than too late. Well not a week but 1-2 months not 7 months. whats wrong with saying it now? I don't see any harm by telling everyone that in 6 months is the LAN, gives you most space to actually book this in and the date might not be taken by other plans you guys have
  14. okay?
  15. to me, they are stuck, and why cade really early like pufulet says
  16. IM 32 YEARS OLD
  17. Stop making "Raid" Threads. its shit and we don't care ( YES i am mad )
  18. 0/10 Tho at 0.53 I never laughed so much in my entier life
  19. That looks like the very old glitch, when destroyable props were made. So you could destroy doors that you couldn't open.
  20. http://www.newground...tal/view/571250 Enjoy guys.' No but nice double post luke
  21. 4/10
  22. Time for a minecraft ripoff

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Looks like an unholy spawn of minecraft and Korean grinding RPG:s.

    3. Mathijs1996


      Looks kinda Zelda, if this game is cheapish I'll check it out :D

  23. 10/10 Carnifex is epic, but this is their best song
  24. 5/10 Read the artist name
  25. 1/10 Skrillex, Sucks dick, The end
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