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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sneed

  1. I record with something called wegame
  2. would be good if the nails broke much easier becuse most of the maps have small rooms with barrels, chairs etc. you just nail those and you got an uber cade
  3. Looks like norbo running away with a zombie and their baby headcrab
  4. It i's sorta like a flash light works really good in dark places but in light places kinda hurts my eyes
  5. Flashlight for zombies makes it really realistic dont cha think? just no... Robb that isnt a bug the difficulty! if its on insane 100% more health hard 75% (i think) normal 50-25% easy regular health
  6. So, The new update is released! SOOOO awesome! (Awesome work ywa) Well, now let's make it even better by helping ywa finding bugs! Steamroller : When the difficulty level is on insane every zombie have 100% more health but if you have steamroller your health will go down to 190 when you kill a human Adrenaline makes you run even if your low on health but when i had 8 hp i switched weapon to fists i started to run like really slow for some reason Post more! Edit: The chem doesnt explode when he dies
  7. Sneed


  8. I got skype and you should know my skype name BD And call him ballsack
  9. You write your steam ID and e-mail and if you donated 10+ euros you write your title
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAH Hand fetish? nah nah im just kidding I couldnt see anything on that movie it was just dark...
  11. Becuse you talk about consoles, and you guys seems to be talking to the end of the world so i posted that song XD
  12. 1. PS3 has the same amount of buttons. 2. If you cant use a controller with "so much buttons" on the ps3. Your intelligence must be below 4. (cookies for the one that gets the reference ) And internet = fanboy lair. [mp3] [/mp3]
  13. How about if you donate you will get a robot dinosaur with 2 atom bombs and laser cannons and will support with hp/armor
  14. it sounds awesome good luck
  15. Was it you that submitted ALOT of ban request on him? Becuse i had like 8 ban requests, but hes banned
  16. I had two iguana before the first one was called Rollan and the second one was called Wilma, but, sadly they died :'(. Rollan died by cancer Wilma died of old age I have pictures of them but not a scanner :/ sorry
  17. Sneed


    checked your steam ID danni and you have played css for only 3 hours. so you can't just say that you have never seen them XD
  18. Windows 7 Release Date is 22nd October 2009 so yeah...
  19. Sac. i think you need to remove something from you signature becuse its huge
  20. [mp3]http://cgi.4chan.org/f/src/Where_it_is.swf[/mp3] ITS so long Anyways how are they allowed to search your house without a warrant?
  21. Ywa is able to fix the donations to. I think clavus is on holidays,
  22. ah sweet, ah good luck with the new job ywa i hope they pay LOADS A MONEH!
  23. okay i'm back from holidays, dunno why mr.darkness wants me to post here, so... here is my opinions on Mr.Darkness. To young, Immature, blah blah. (the list goes on) yeah.. you might think that im immature becuse of my signature? Don't (Roborobb requested it)
  24. Now thats a perfect spray
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