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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sneed

  1. Sneed

    E3 2009.

    I dont wanna explain to lazy... but darkness.... there is something called Google.com
  2. hmm with kniight giving alot of credits i think you will do just fine ah your from finland you can keep prismaa company
  3. Sneed

    E3 2009.

    i think that will fail
  4. haha awesome work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEMyNLByoDo...feature=related just a random movie i found XD
  5. Xbox 360
  6. there are another door near zombie spawn
  7. ass
  8. Im a heavy
  9. Maybe he likes it to have it in a window becuse it makes it alot easier to "TAB" out
  10. W... T... F?!?!?! I agree.... Cow wtf?
  11. erm okay? *boom* ?
  12. I really don't believe in aliens.... becuse i just don't Worthless thread by the way,,,
  13. Just becuse people isnt talking in your admin apply doesnt makes it's a fail... becuse the player's doesn't decide if your gonna be admin or not. That's the Topcrew's job .
  14. how about a like a super strong zombie spawns every 1-2 minute Maybe a tank in l4d or a zombie cyborg But i hope there wont be chems Edit: why have zombies instead we can have cyborgs! and humans will have waterguns! shoot em and they will rust!
  15. i think kniight (i might have spelled i't wrong) is the admin for the cs:s server. but if you think hes inactive why dont make a admin apply and try your luck
  16. that map looks awesome. i hope all the other rooms looks like that
  17. He will hack for sex!
  18. Has "69" posts hurr hurr
  19. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    haha dont you mean sounds like it?
  20. Sneed

    Guess the game!

  21. wasnt it something to do with catbread? Oh yeah now i remember she forced me to change my name to sneedbeard XD
  22. Mine is quite boring.... Sneed is from a boss in World of warcraft and i have no idea what beard came from just something i made up i think (i dont have a beard YET)
  23. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    its my turn garm -.- [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBLPE8rlRpE&feature=related[/mp3]
  24. Sneed

    Guess the game!

    [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSNgijFiUpk[/mp3] oh noes just to late AH man i know that song!! isnt that like a safe zone music oh wait didnt i answear first?
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