Just becuse people isnt talking in your admin apply doesnt makes it's a fail... becuse the player's doesn't decide if your gonna be admin or not. That's the Topcrew's job .
how about a like a super strong zombie spawns every 1-2 minute Maybe a tank in l4d or a zombie cyborg But i hope there wont be chems Edit: why have zombies instead we can have cyborgs! and humans will have waterguns! shoot em and they will rust!
i think kniight (i might have spelled i't wrong) is the admin for the cs:s server. but if you think hes inactive why dont make a admin apply and try your luck
Mine is quite boring.... Sneed is from a boss in World of warcraft and i have no idea what beard came from just something i made up i think (i dont have a beard YET)
[mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSNgijFiUpk[/mp3] oh noes just to late AH man i know that song!! isnt that like a safe zone music oh wait didnt i answear first?