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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sgt.Kanonenfutter

  1. One thing that makes me wonder: They greatly improved the damage models of the common infected, but still the special infected seem to be indestructible o_O But concerning other graphical improvements, I'm glad they overhauled the styles of the old special infected. One very early trailer(I know it's not representative for the resulting game, but still) made me shudder as I saw one of the old special infected(Which were obviously designed for dark maps) in the rather bright and colorful environment of the Parish(The campaign whose 2 first levels are featured in the demo). I love the new designs, you can actually see where the smokers tongue goes(It's grown all through and around his head o_O) and the otherall rather fleshy look suits the new atmosphere much better. On the other hand, shady campaigns like DC or SF might be not such a good location for them, I wonder if the old SI will take place there?
  2. Also, don't only watch out not to shot a teammate, but also make sure you don't accidentally trip into someone's line of fire. It happened, and happens, quite often someone suddenly appears on my screen and I don't realize him early enough.
  3. At least this is a sign L4D1 won't be completely abandoned. Or it lets hope so, however.
  4. I shall be damned to say L4D wasn't worth the money, which is peripherally implied by stating it was too content-weak in first line to compete with other games, isn't it? I had(and actually still have in particular, even though I'm quite certain I'll buy it) my reservations, too, but all the improvements that have been released so far are quite convincing.
  5. I'll probably order an UK retail at play.com anyway, for I dread censorship in a steam determined version(Note: living in Germany). Otherwise, it's a pretty nice idea, no sitting infront of your mail box with your finger up your ass as the game shall finally goddamn arrive. I know what I'm talking about (My post might be confusing, to sum it up: Thumbs up for this, but don't put me on the list, as I said, I'll get an own retail...) btw., no shipping costs at play.com
  6. Is Ywa testing experimental medicine by some backyard pharmacist or is he trying to polish up his community fellows self-confidence? : Anyway, I have no proper picture of myself right now, instead I'll post my right hand with a little companion... Wait, what did you think the "little companion" was?
  7. I'd prefer the ammo regen to remain in the game...I still have nightmares about the balancing lacks of placed ammo boxes. I'm either fleeing from zombies gathering for my ass whilst I have no ammo due to several reasons: It has either been whored away by some egocentric maniac who doesn't feel safe until he has stacked around 600 bullets up or because it is not reachable without obtaining nothing but the claw of an undead in my butt. Not to metion the curse of witty mappers who try solving issue this with ammo crates, hah! Ever tried to fight your way through an infinite bullet storm? Please, stop complaining about "games being unrealstic"...barely ANY game you have ever played is unrealistic or boring. Why? The unrealism is what makes them so tempting and fun. In my honest opinion at very least. More love for sudden, unexplainable ammo regen <3
  8. Just a quick question, what are the conditions for animated .gifs?
  9. Another shitty TF2 based entry upcoming.
  10. "I CAN SPAWN THINGS!" One of mine:
  11. I'm still waiting for my retail to arrive. It's about 1 week ago they sent it :X (Ordered from UK, along with GTA IV )
  12. I got banned by a script for asking whoever "Cunna" is...guess from who's server This is the best I can think of, but I sure have encountered weirder situations in my GMod career...when I remember, I let you know Oh yeah, a long time ago I was roleplaying at Melonscript2 and a grinning wall ate my cousin o_o
  13. From all these Port_v5 is my choice. Cinderblocks to throw never get dull
  14. Hm...I don't know...it's kinda too slow and calm for a fast-paced game like ZS...but I can imagine this as an background soundtrack for ZPS, if the second part would stay a bit more quiet o_o
  15. Humm, the command you where geniunely looking for is "use <weapon_name>" I suppose. You can see the weapon's names in the console, when the deathnotes are printed, like "Player1 killed Player2 with <weaponname>". But if you improve your coordinaton by practising and enabling fast weapon switch as Clavus said it's far better than slapping some weapons all over your keyboard and having no key left for reasonable binds like "YAARGHH!"
  16. Pretty hard question for me. Judging objectively, I'd count D.I.P.R.I.P. and Empires to some of the finest multiplayer mods. I haven't tried Metastasis yet though :X
  17. I found this in the related videos
  18. Welcome
  19. 8 seconds that made my day
  20. Cannot preload due to not having pre-ordered. I won't do that anway because I'll obtain a retail from UK.
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