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Mr. Green Gaming


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DzinyMaster last won the day on March 5 2024

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  1. I said that I'm not going back to mta sa mrgreen server, Vapor (by the way are you waiting for updates BTD6 v47.0)
  2. Tell me what seed is in mrgreensmp map from 1.16.x but you know, because I like this seed
  3. Hey so many years have passed and why do I still have banned in discord mrgreen, reason avoid mute but is there a chance to appeal it after all, on discord I spend a lot time and have no one to write with so why am i still here banned on discord mrgreen but I would like to forgive Dubby for all this but it's a pity that I'm not there discord mrgreen I could read my old messages (but I'm already positive can you believe it)
  4. Hey, I use version 1.21.4 why still Is 1.21.1 in MrgreenSMP you want to have a working one res pack in every versions look at this { "pack": { "pack_format": 1, "description": "Template", "supported_formats": { "min_inclusive": 1, "max_inclusive": 999999 } } }
  5. this is Known issues example facebook google register or login, they haven't been working for a few years (if anyone asks, this is an opinion)
  6. who me tell why i got banned from mrgreensmp from non-existent rule, you will probably say You not should avoid mute it would be better if you learned what the punishment of silence is, firstly from version 1.19.1 is added chat reporting and secondly from snapshot 23w33a updated chat reporting but when it comes to cheating it's only in snapshot 24w18a or 25w02a But why Dubby is negative for me what wrong did I do to him, yeah he threw a negative text at me stop camping but I haven't played brawl stars since 2020, You know what ciken as if there was a rule in minecraft (do not avoid mute) you should have written this rule, from 2021 there would be no problem and I wouldn't have to waste my nerves at 2021 I was trapped in spec mode, but is there a way to forgive after 5 years ? but you know that I like playing the most minecraft than mta sa
  7. already the effect that's why negativity is harmful
  8. thanks for unlocking my possibilities topic, But why don't I go back to the server mta sa mrgreen? Because negativity is bad and unpleasant and bad opinions and negative comments in the modes DD, SH, and more but I maxed out my account a long time ago in mta sa mrgreen so you understand because of the negativity and silencing me and harassing me is not nice If my maps are often rejected or have negative comments, I'm telling you, I've been making maps with MTA SA since 2020 and until 2024 some maps were accepted and rejected so if you want I won't make a map in mta sa for you and you're shouting at me that the maps aren't nice and I'll tell you that it's gta sa that's all you want to tell me something, I've already left mta sa mrgreen since 2024 (but I don't know if I'll ever come back here, it depends) thanks for reading this, But minecraft for me it is a lot of fun
  9. https://igg-games.com/bloons-td-758412706-5-free-download-steam-version.html
  10. if i go back there but first i must be freed from punishment
  11. I once said what it means take off the penalty already explained Topic 1 Remove Killdziny.lua I'm done running away in SH DD from now on I want to stop running away from players in SH DD And I want to have a rule again I swear I won't run away from everyone anymore in SH DD I'd like to play again Shooter and Derby Topic 2 Remove 100 Years Mute Unmute DzinyMaster In mta sa Topic 3 I was banned by console Notching did why am I banned in mrgreen server I want to get unban immediately I like to be unbanned earlier Topic 4 Asking please remove killdziny.lua I will not run away from you nick026 want back to shooter and derby now Topic 5 F1MADKILLER tells me what to do F1MADKILLER Let him not tell me what to do because I'm not his boss, what to do to me, but he calls me as little kid age Topic 6 apologized Ciken he knew I apologized dubby in discord and he banned me from discord I said I already apologized dubby for doing that Emote sob in every channels Topic 7 Remove Punishent I already told Nick026 Disable killdziny.lua on one condition and broke the contract End Topic
  12. Cby plz 1.18.1 pj tester
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