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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Weo

  1. If you wish to go to adventure... this is your chance! find map of the world and search for the stone ringed cactus northeast of dustridge or then just start moving and hopefully spot the next place. at the top of the mountain you will see the tip to the next area!

    at the final destination there is 7 chests packed with 4 diamonds about 20 steel 10 gold and other stuff...

    take pictures! like when you find something or you need help. also don't destroy stuff unless you notice that there might be treasure!

    Heres some clues to chests!

    from the bottom layers : there might be suprises near the lava.

    did i forgot my flint & stone up there?

    that is not the same as water fall!

  2. i'm going to make living adventure of the cave of secrets! find diamonds steel and gold! other stuff are too there.

    going to make thread when i'm finished. there will be clues how to find it. and how to avoid the evil that comes between you. you will need the map that was posted here earlier!

  3. umm is this place to start whining about the proplems of old ZS?


    Stalker/ethernal zombie, zombine, poison headcrap are all OP and humans get buttraped by them.

    stalker is invisible,teleporting,highdamage,fast, fast hitting zombie? <-- fix

    Zombine <-- too strong

    poison headcrap <-- no wonder that there is so much medic runners when these guys are around. explosive radius WAY too large

    thanks for reading and don't turn it down in 1 second... you guys have seen people complaining about the same proplems so why not fix them.

    also. if this proplem is alredy fixed... why haven't seen it. i rarely visit the green zs cuz i just rage about the zombies being OP (those 3 up there)

    oh yeah some extra riiiiight here = why put humans not being able to survive on their own? i mean if they want to barricade why make it impossible for them? why we MUST stay in 1 group to survive + you have made it impossible for that too cuz of the poison headcraps. they kill groups of human by raping with spit.

  4. so the editing can be done by players?

    oh thats awesome

    3 thing what i would like to affect.

    zombine -> has too much hp... way too much

    stalker -> well either make it more invisible or make it stop when it hits

    poison headcrap -> reduce explosion radius to like wooden box not as big as truck

    please do consider these!

  5. And Dust Ridge has been burgled.

    Clavus I know you want to ban the person responsible and see the fear in their pixelated eyes, but you can't until Notch brings in an API, so for a temporary fix, please for the love of god un-whitelist everyone.

    I agree, its the only way that seems the most effective and easiest. Dustridge will be scarred for life now, it was always peacefull and a safe retreat, me, being the person who built Dustridge block by block find it really sad to know that everyone got robbed when it was supposed to be a very safe city for only greenies and people i trust

    you didn't say my assistans -.- i builded the walls when you went front making the area smooth and retrieve resources

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